After being traded to the Jazz from the Minnesota Timberwolves, Beverley said he would assist Mitchell well. Last season, Beverley helped Edwards and Towns reach the playoffs. He is the spiritual leader of the team. Beverley believes that the Jazz's current situation is still unc

After being traded by Minnesota Timberwolves to Jazz , Beverley said that he would assist Mitchell . Last season, Beverley helped Edwards and Towns reach the playoffs. He is the spiritual leader of the team.

Beverley believes that the current situation of the Jazz is still unclear, but he will lead the team to hit the playoffs again.

"What's wrong with Utah? Tell me what you want to do," Beverley said. "Do you want to win or not, please tell me. The only thing I know is to make the playoffs and I want to win."

Now, the Jazz are open to trading Mitchell. If the deal is done, the Jazz will completely begin to rebuild. At present, the Jazz's asking price for Mitchell is very high and the transaction cannot be completed in a short time.

If the Jazz finally choose to trade, then they will not need a veteran like Beverley. Therefore, Beverley, 34, has been wondering whether he will actually play in Utah.

"Yeah, what's next?" he asked. "Are we going to go all the way to Utah to play basketball or Utah will say they don't need me and go somewhere else. What's next?"

Considering all the uncertainty surrounding the Utah Jazz, Bev Leigh is now at a career crossroads.