Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhan Shuzhen Recently, Quan Hongchan and Bai Yuming won the championship in the 3-meter springboard/10-meter platform mixed team finals of the 2022 Budapest World Swimming Championships, winning the 100th gold medal in the history of

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhan Shuzhen

Recently, Quan Hongchan and Bai Yuming won the championship in the 3-meter springboard/10-meter platform mixed team finals of the 2022 Budapest World Swimming Championships, winning the first place in the history of the Chinese diving team's participation in the World Championships 100th gold medal.

The Chinese diving team has always been called the " dream team ". For more than 30 years, from the breakthrough of the first gold medal in the World Championships to more than 100 today, the Chinese diving team has repeatedly achieved good results.

broke through the first gold medal, high sensitivity opened a new era

When the World Swimming Championships was established, the Chinese diving team did not participate in the first three competitions. It was not until 1982 that the Chinese diving team participated in the World Championships in Guayaquil, Ecuador, for the first time. Although they did not win a gold medal in their first World Championships, Zhou Jihong won the bronze medal in the women's 10-meter platform, and Peng Yuanchun won the third place in the women's 3-meter springboard, demonstrating their extraordinary strength.

At the 1986 World Championships in Madrid, Gao Min, who was only 15 years old, stood on the 43-meter springboard for the first time in the World Championships and won the first gold medal in the history of the World Championships for the Chinese diving team. Starting the competition in a foreign country and having just been promoted to the adult group, Gao Min's strongest feeling before the competition was nervousness.

After the game, she recalled: "I repeatedly told myself to relax a little, relax a little. But my brain didn't listen to my command at all, and my body trembled from time to time. At this time, I understood that it was impossible for me to defeat nervousness, and the only way I could All you have to do is control it and use it."

At that time, the Chinese diving team was undergoing changes and rising. Gao Min said: "At that time, I happened to encounter the Chinese diving team that had undergone substantial reforms, including innovating many technologies like the current one. Pressing the water splash, how to flip in the air, how to see the target... this series of technological innovations, we immediately left the world behind. China's ability to lead the world in diving has a lot to do with the big step it took at that time. ."

At the World Championships in Madrid, Chen Lin and Lu Wei also made breakthroughs in the women's 10-meter platform, winning the championship and runner-up. Tan Liangde and Li Hongping won the men's 3-meter springboard championship and runner-up respectively, Li Kongzheng won the men's 10-meter platform runner-up. Not only did the women's team make a breakthrough, but Chinese male athletes also joined the competition for medals.

Since this World Championships, the Chinese diving team has stood out in the international arena, and world-class players have continued to emerge. At the 1991 World Championships in Perth, Gao Min won two more gold medals in the women's single one-meter springboard and the women's single three-meter springboard. Sun Shuwei won the men's single 10-meter platform championship, Fu Mingxia won the women's single 10-meter platform championship.

In the following two World Championships, the Chinese team's performance continued to improve. Chen Xiaoxia, Yu Zhuocheng, Tan Shuping, Fu Mingxia, Xu Hao and other outstanding athletes continued to compete for gold and silver for the Chinese team.

Since the new century, diving talents have emerged in large numbers.

Since entering the 21st century, outstanding players such as Guo Jingjing, Tian Liang, Wang Xin, Chen Ruolin have emerged in the Chinese diving team, further improving the overall strength. At the 2001 Fukuoka World Championships, Guo Jingjing and Tian Liang each won two gold medals, and the Chinese team won 8 gold medals in 10 events.

At the 2003 World Championships in Barcelona, ​​the Chinese diving team won 4 gold medals. At the subsequent World Championships in Montreal, the Chinese team won five gold medals. The performance of the Chinese team in these two World Championships has relatively declined.

Starting from the 2007 World Championships in Melbourne, the Chinese team once again entered an era of rapid development in harvesting gold medals. This year, the Chinese team won 9 gold medals in 10 events, occupying a monopoly position.

At the 2009 World Championships in Rome, the Chinese diving team won 7 gold medals in 10 events. Among them, " Diving Queen " Guo Jingjing won the gold medal in the women's 3-meter springboard single and double events at the World Championships for five consecutive years from the 2001 Fukuoka World Championships to the 2009 Rome World Championships, setting a record that is difficult to break. world record.

According to the official data of FINA , since the 2011 Shanghai World Championships, the results of the Chinese diving team are as follows:

2011: 10 gold medals/10 events;

2013: 9 gold medals/12 events;

2015 Year: 10 gold medals / 13 projects;

2017: 8 gold medals / 13 projects

2019: 12 gold medals / 13 projects

The ongoing 2022 Budapest World Swimming Championships, in the ten diving competitions that have ended In the competition, all Chinese teams won gold medals. In just over thirty years, the Chinese diving team has achieved such brilliant results, which cannot be separated from the inheritance and accumulation of generations.

In view of the characteristics of diving, the Chinese team continues to reform and innovate, not only constantly refreshing the difficulty of movements, but also practicing the superb "splash disappearing technique". After years of competition, the Chinese team has already formed a complete system of selection, training and competition.

In addition, the spirit of inheritance among the team members plays an important role. From Gao Min, Xu Yanmei, Xiong Ni, , Fu Mingxia, to Guo Jingjing, Wu Minxia, ​​, to Chen Aisen, , Quan Hongchan, etc., the Chinese diving team members have continued to use the old to guide the new and the spirit of "passing on and guiding". .

Several generations of divers have achieved new glory

When the Chinese diving team won the 100th gold medal at the World Championships, many celebrities in the Chinese diving community sent their blessings.

"Congratulations to the Chinese diving team for winning 100 gold medals at the World Championships. 36 years ago, I was honored to win the first gold medal for my country in the women's springboard at the World Championships. Today, I am far away from the competition and dance again to celebrate the Chinese team." Winning the first gold medal for the Chinese team in the World Championships Yi Jin's Gao Min congratulated her emotionally, and words could not express her excitement. She also posted a video of her diving celebration on the Internet.

"World Championship Multi-Gold Medal King" Guo Jingjing, as an official of FINA, witnessed the birth of the Chinese team's 100th gold medal at the scene. She said: "Congratulations to the Chinese diving team and all the Chinese divers who have worked hard for it. Today's achievements are inseparable from everyone's efforts!"

Olympic hardware king and Shanghai diving star Wu Minxia also said: "Several generations of divers have worked hard and sweat to build today's 100 gold medals. I hope China's diving will usher in a more brilliant future. Tomorrow!"

Olympic champion Shi Tingmao, who coaches the Chinese diving team, said: "Several generations of divers have made great efforts for this moment. Now that I have changed my identity from an athlete to a coach, I hope to pass on the hard work of Chinese diving. Spirit, moving from one glory to the next.”

has gone from being unattended to becoming a “dream team” that dominates the swimming world. The glory of the Chinese diving team is inseparable from the hard work and inheritance of generations of divers, as well as the country's high attention. Behind the success, there is strong financial support and team support. They are constantly researching, innovating, striving for new breakthroughs, and continuing this tradition. (For more news and information, please follow Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

title picture | Visual China

editor | Ge Wanli