The free market has only started for two days, but the vast majority of players have already determined their future homes, and many superstars have even signed super-large contracts in advance. However, there are always exceptions. There are still some players with both fame and

The free market has only started for two days, but the vast majority of players have already determined their future homes, and many superstars have even signed super-large contracts in advance. However, there are always exceptions. There are still some players with both fame and strength on the market who are still in free agency.

The free market legacy

Basketball website BR has listed the high-quality players who can be called the legacy of the free market so far. The list includes three Rockets veterans. They are Dennis Schroeder and Jay. Rimi Lamb and Montrezl Harrell both have good abilities objectively speaking.


Dennis Schroeder was sent to the Rockets by the Celtics before the deadline last season. Regardless of regular data or on-field effects, Dennis Schroeder is pretty good. But he was really unlucky, because the Rockets were in a rebuilding period and there was no shortage of players in the backcourt, so the Rockets directly hid Dennis Schroeder in the final stages. The reason why he has not found a new home yet and is in a free agency state is that most teams are not short of starting point guards, and Dennis Schroeder has always hoped to ask for a long-term contract with an annual salary of tens of millions, so for For many teams, paying such a high salary to a substitute seems very luxurious. Of course, if Dennis Schroder can lower his profile and be willing to temporarily sign a low-priced contract, or if a team urgently needs to introduce a high-quality point guard due to emergencies, Dennis Schroder should find a home immediately.


Jeremy Lamb was originally selected by the Rockets. However, in order to get James Harden, the Rockets chose to use Jeremy Lamb as part of the bargaining chip. He had not played in a game before he was rocket sent to thunder . At his peak, Jeremy Lamb was a versatile scorer who could catch the ball and shoot as well as score through independent offense. However, he has been affected by serious injuries in the past two years. Before the deadline, Jeremy Lamb was sent to the Kings by the Pacers. Now he is still in free agency. Some teams that need to increase their wing depth and outside strength can use him. Consider him a potential target.


Finally, there is Montrezl Harrell. He won the Best Sixth Man Award two years ago. Even Montrezl Harrell's performance last season was not bad. He is a threat in the three-second zone. Very big. However, during this period, Montrezl Harrell has been in a series of troubles. The worst result is that he may even face jail time. Even if he is more lucky, he will have to face suspension or other penalties. Then Montrezl Harrell will theoretically be able to The possibility of the alliance leaving, in which case it would really be self-inflicted.