Hot weather and high temperatures are the main characteristics of summer. No matter what season or weather, fishermen will go to the river to fish as always. This is the spirit of fishermen. However, the hot weather will further increase the difficulty of fishing. However, if the

Hot weather and high temperatures are the main characteristics of summer. No matter what season or weather, fishermen will continue to go to the river to fish. This is the spirit of fishermen.

However, the hot weather will further increase the difficulty of fishing. However, if the method is correct and the fish basket is not full, then how should we fish in summer so as to protect ourselves?

Many fishing friends have a common problem, which is to hurriedly put down the rod when they reach the water. In fact, this may be the reason why many fishing friends cannot catch fish. If you can do 4 things well, the big fish will run after the hook. .

Point 1: When you arrive at the water's edge, pay more attention to the water conditions

Water conditions affect fish conditions. After arriving at the fishing area, first of all, you must observe the water conditions to see if there are any dead fish. If there are dead fish, there may be electric fish. People, when electric fishing around here, don’t choose this kind of fishing spot.

Secondly, if the water is crystal clear, it is not a good area for fishing. As the saying goes, "If the water is clear, there will be no fish." Most fish will gather in the body area. If the color of the water is darker, it may be a fat water area.

Fish in fat water areas are never short of food, and fish in such places are not easy to catch. You should choose light-colored areas for fishing. This area belongs to thin water areas, and fish are usually easy to catch.

The second point: when you get to the water, observe the fishing spots

When fishing, you should pay more attention to the environment of the fishing spots, and you can make a few more nests in advance. You must know that fishing in summer usually moves three times a day, or even multiple times a day. Making more nests will be helpful for fishing.

Fishing spots are suitable for summer fishing. They are usually located in the shade, living water areas, etc. The water temperature in the shade is relatively low, and the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is inversely proportional to the water temperature. The lower the water temperature, the more dissolved oxygen in the water. Therefore, you need to find a cool place for fishing. .

The living water area is recognized as the area with the most abundant dissolved oxygen. If you choose the living water area to fish, you will generally get good fish catches. However, in the living water area, you must choose a slow flow, and it is best to use the lead running method for fishing.

The third point: When going fishing, you must first check the weather.

The changeable weather in summer also has a great impact on the fish situation. After entering summer, when going fishing, it is best to choose a cooling day or weather with high air pressure and low temperature. This kind of weather Only then will the fish have an appetite.

The weather generally suitable for fishing includes windy days, rainy days, sunny to cloudy weather, etc. These weathers will not only lower the temperature, but also increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, making it very suitable for fishing.

Fishing can also be done 2 to 3 days after heavy rain. Heavy rain will bring food from the shore into the water, and there are also high water areas. Many fish will feed in shallow water areas or near the shore, so the fish catch is naturally good. .

The fourth point: Fishing by the water, choose fish nests

No matter what season, if you can find a fish nest when fishing, the catch will usually be good, and fish nests mostly appear in special areas with complex terrain, and these areas are relatively easy to find.

Common fish nests include underwater ridges, depressions, etc. These places will have food deposits and make fish feel safe. They meet the conditions of being called fish nests. It is worth noting that when fishing in summer, do not choose grass nests.

The main reason is that the grass nest is located in shallow water and is greatly affected by direct sunlight. It is easy for the water temperature to rise suddenly, causing the fish activity to decrease, making it difficult to catch fish.

In addition to the above factors, you must also choose the right bait when fishing in summer

When fishing in summer, the selection of bait must be correct. Bait is the key to fishing. When fishing in summer, try to choose plain bait and fresh-flavored bait. Big fish like to eat this kind of bait. , and also reduce the occurrence of small fish making nests.

Commonly used vegetarian baits include fresh corn kernels, wine rice, bran, bean cakes, etc. When fermenting the bait, you can also put in the bait, which can enhance the taste of the bait and make the bait sweet and sour.

can increase the appetite of fish, the fish will have the desire to bite the hook, and the fish will stay longer, which is helpful for fishing for big fish in summer. In addition, the taste of the fish is diverse, which can attract different schools of fish to gather.

If you put some in the nest material, the nesting time will be shortened and the fish mouth will become better. It can be used not only for wild fishing, but also for black pits.

is written at the end. After the weather gets hotter, there are still many details that need to be paid attention to and corrected when fishing. If you are slightly negligent, you may end up empty-handed and unable to catch any fish.