The reason why Japanese football can achieve today's excellent results has something to do with their persistence in youth training for decades. Free football enlightenment, professional youth training coaches, complete competition system support, and humanized league system have

The reason why Japanese football can achieve today's excellent results is not unrelated to their persistence in their own youth training path for decades. Free football enlightenment, professional youth training coaches, complete competition system support, and humanized league system have allowed Japanese football to embark on the road to the top. Coupled with the huge football population, Japanese football talents have a very wide choice, and high-level football players studying abroad in Europe such as Takumi Minamino , Kubo Hide, Tomiyasu Kenyo , Daichi Kamada have emerged. Japan also Relying on his own strength, he has gained a place in the world of football with so many strong players.

Let’s look at China’s football youth training. However, in recent years, neither national teams nor club teams have shown some young players who can take the lead. Dai Weijun and Wei Shihao, who are well known to fans, have indeed given people It’s a bright feeling, but these players all have the imprint of foreign youth training and cannot be regarded as players produced by Chinese youth training. Another example is Huang Zichang , Duan Liu Yu and other domestic new players are mostly just a flash in the pan. In the melting pot of Chinese Super League , even if you have extraordinary talent, if you are not able to study abroad in time to improve, you will be "assimilated" sooner or later. The slow pace and low confrontation of the Chinese Super League also prevented the former Brazilian League MVP Goulart from returning to the top after returning to the Brazilian League, and was bombarded and questioned by the Brazilian media and teams.

Due to the implementation of salary limit order in this year's Chinese Super League, a large number of foreign players left China to find another way out. This is a good opportunity for young players from various Chinese Super League clubs. Before that. In order to pursue results, each team uses a large number of foreign players. The team's key positions have been occupied by foreign players for a long time, and domestic players have taken on more dirty work! To put it bluntly, foreign players are responsible for scoring goals and domestic players are responsible for defense. In the long run, it is easy for domestic players to form a reliance on foreign players. The reason why China has been unable to produce good forwards for so many years is that the Chinese Super League teams rely too much on foreign aid in the forward line and rarely give opportunities to domestic forward players.

At present, the Chinese Super League has finished many rounds. The most surprising thing is that on the current scorer list, Beijing team's Zhang Yuning leads the scorer list with 6 goals, beating out all foreign players, and can be regarded as a competition for domestic players. tone. However, from 2 to 8, they are all occupied by foreign players, and domestic players have to work harder. After all, this year's salary limit is fair to everyone, whether it is domestic players or foreign players. If foreign players can produce good data, but domestic players cannot, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

In the new season of the Chinese Super League, limited by financial investment and the influence of the football environment, more energy will be put into cultivating young players. This is a good thing for Chinese football. Foreign players can play beautiful football, but fans want more See domestic players playing at a high level. The level of the Japanese league is very high, but foreign players are basically auxiliary, and it mainly depends on the performance of Japanese domestic players. When domestic players in the Chinese Super League can allow foreign players to play as support, then Chinese football will truly progress. On the other hand, the top teams in the Chinese Super League, such as Wuhan Sanzhen, Henan Songshan Longmen, Shanghai Shenhua, Shandong Luneng, etc., all have many foreign players in the team. Strong dependence.

At the same time, several teams have a long-term view and have begun to use a large number of young players to compete in the league. The results may not be ideal, but this is the only way for Chinese football to progress. The development of football does not mean that Foreign aid cannot be used. But don't rely too much on foreign aid. Your own players don't have enough to eat, so what's the use of having so many foreign aid?

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