Elephant News · Henan Radio and Television Station Lu Jiamin Xinxiang Reporter Station Chen Peichuang Elephant Podcast Liu Jilei On June 30, the two-day 2022 Chuncheon Korea Open International Taekwondo Championship adult group competition came to an end. The Chinese team won 4 g

Elephant News · Henan Radio and Television Station Lu Jiamin Xinxiang Reporter Station Chen Peichuanxiang Podcast Liu Jilei

On June 30, the two-day 2022 Chuncheon Korea Open International Taekwondo Championship adult group competitive competition came to an end, and the Chinese team achieved 4 1 gold medal, 6 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. Among them, Liang Yushuai from Henan Normal University Sports College won the gold medal in the men's 63kg category, and Liu Junhong won fifth place in the women's 67kg category.

As the last stop of the Chinese Taekwondo team’s first overseas tour in the Paris Olympic cycle, the Chuncheon Korea Open had more than 2,000 players from 56 countries participating. In the men’s 63kg competition, Chinese teenager Liang Yushuai defeated a local Korean player , won the championship of this level, and also won the title of MVP athlete in this competition.

It is understood that Liang Yushuai and Liu Junhong, 2020 sports training students from the School of Physical Education of Henan Normal University, were selected for the Chinese Taekwondo team to participate in this overseas tour, and successively competed in the Austria Open, the World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge, and the Asia Five tournaments including the Taekwondo Championships and the Korean Open.

▶ Record review

The first stop of the Austrian Open ended in Innsbruck, Austria on May 30. The Chinese Taekwondo team won a total of 6 golds, 2 silvers and 7 bronzes, and Liang Yushuai won a bronze medal.

In the 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge that ended on June 12, the Chinese Taekwondo team won a total of 3 golds, 3 silvers and 4 bronzes. Liu Junhong won a bronze medal. Liang Yushuai tried to move up from the 58kg class for the first time in this competition. In the 68kg category, he lost to his national team teammates in the quarter-finals and finished fifth.

The Asian Taekwondo Championships concluded on June 27. The Chinese team of 12 participated and won a total of 3 golds, 3 silvers and 2 bronzes. Liang Yushuai and Liu Junhong, as the younger post-00 players in the national team, won silver medals in the men's 63kg and women's 67kg competitions respectively.