Recently, there are rumors in the football world that Cristiano Ronaldo is about to join Roma. To be honest, the editor certainly hopes to see Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo renew their mentoring relationship. However, with Cristiano Ronaldo’s current worth and status, combined w

Recently, there are rumors in the football world that C Ronaldo is about to join Roma . To be honest, the editor certainly hopes to see Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo renew their mentoring relationship. However, with Cristiano Ronaldo’s current worth and status, combined with Roma Due to the actual situation of the club, this signing may not be possible. I think that Ronaldo's joining is just wishful thinking of Roma fans.

First of all, we need to be clear about why Ronaldo left Manchester United . I think everyone knows the reason. Manchester United ranked sixth in the Premier League last season and missed the Champions League. For Ronaldo, not being able to play in the Champions League had a great impact on himself, so he chose to leave.

Just imagine, if Cristiano Ronaldo joins Roma, he will not be able to play in the Champions League. Moreover, Roma's competitiveness in Serie A is definitely not as competitive as Manchester United's in the Premier League. If you join Roma, you can play Europa League . If you continue to stay at Manchester United, you can still play Europa League. , why bother going back and forth. On the other hand, the salary package that Roma can provide is far less than that of Manchester United. Manchester United can treat Ronaldo as their favorite and take every care of him, which Roma will definitely not be able to do.

The second point is that Serie A's competitiveness has declined, but the Premier League is the world's number one league. Whether to play in Serie A or stay in the Premier League, I think Ronaldo knows better than anyone. Even if Ronaldo wants to cooperate with Mourinho again, they Their common agent Mendez would not agree either. At the beginning, Mendes promoted Ronaldo to leave Juventus because he saw that there was no future in Serie A. This time, Mendes definitely does not want Ronaldo to return to Italy.

The last point is also the reason why Roma fans think Ronaldo will join, that is Mourinho is the coach there. It is true that Mourinho's personal charm is so strong that many players are willing to follow him, but a player of Cristiano Ronaldo's level is already a superstar, and there is no need to "chasing stars" Mourinho. If it is said that Cristiano Ronaldo joined because of Mourinho Rome, this reason is too far-fetched.

We would rather believe that Ronaldo goes to Bayern , Chelsea , or even stays at Manchester United, but only joins Roma. We can't find a reason. Roma is still a civilian team, and its financial strength is not as high as that of a wealthy club, nor can it even be called a strong team. Their goal is to win a Champions League spot. As for winning the Serie A championship, it may be difficult to achieve. Let me ask, such a team, Is it necessary for Ronaldo to join?