Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Wei Chaoran In the early morning of this morning, Beijing time, the 2022 Budapest World Swimming Championships started the diving mixed doubles ten-meter platform finals. The Chinese combination Ren Qian/Duan Yu easily won the champi

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Wei Chaoran

In the early morning of this morning, Beijing time, the 2022 World Swimming Championships in Budapest started the diving mixed doubles ten-meter platform finals. The Chinese combination Ren Qian /Duan Yu easily won the championship with 341.16 points, setting a good example for Chinese diving. Team won the 10th gold medal in this world championship.

Ren Qian was the women's single ten-meter platform champion at the Rio Olympics in 2016. However, she has since faced growth and development, and her competitiveness in the women's ten-meter platform has declined. This time she can only partner with young player Duan Yu in non-Olympic events. Mixed doubles ten-meter platform. With Ren Qian in charge, the Chinese team is also very reassuring in this project.

After the Brazilian team decided to withdraw from the competition, a total of 9 pairs directly competed for the finals. Ren Qian/Duan Yu were the fifth to appear in each round. The total difficulty coefficient of their five jumps is 13.4, which is slightly lower than the Cuban combination and the Ukrainian combination, and is equivalent to other competitors. Therefore, if they want to win the championship, the synchronization of cooperation and the quality of the completed actions are crucial. The Chinese combination

lived up to expectations and led the way from beginning to end, finally easily reaching the top with 341.16 points. The last Ukrainian team Liskun/Sereda withstood the pressure and scored 317.01 points. Although they were 24.15 points behind the Chinese team, they narrowly defeated the US team by a slight advantage of 1.11 points and won the silver medal. The US team Schnell/Carson won the silver medal. ·Taylor won third place.

The mixed doubles ten-meter platform has been an event since the 2015 World Championships in Kazan. The Chinese team won all four gold medals in this event. Ren Qian had already won the gold medal in this event with Lian Junjie in 2017. Therefore, after winning this championship, she also became the third person after Si Yajie and Lian Junjie to win the gold medal in this event at the World Championships twice. player.

In the women's single three-meter springboard preliminaries and semi-finals held on the same competition day, Guangdong star Chen Yiwen performed well and ranked first in both. Another Chinese player Chang Yani ranked second. The two formed a "double insurance" and strived to achieve 11 consecutive championships in this project for the Chinese team early tomorrow morning. (For more news and information, please follow Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

title picture | Xinhua News Agency

editor | Ge Wanli