Welcome everyone to read this issue of "Great Navigation - Voice of Clippers"! According to an ESPN reporter, the Clippers and Zubac reached a three-year, $33 million contract extension. Foreign boat fans are very satisfied with this operation, and they think the price is very su

Welcome everyone to read this issue of "The Voice of the Great Voyage - Clippers " ! According to an ESPN reporter, the Clippers reached a three-year, $33 million contract extension with Zubac . Foreign boat fans are very satisfied with this operation and they think the price is very appropriate.

Everyone said that Zubac is the longest-serving player for the Clippers. He has always stayed healthy and is the backbone of the team. He deserves this contract.

[1]"The longest playing Clippers player (currently), please give him some respect"


[2]"Smart operation, although I don't think he is 's answer in the playoffs, but Zubac does 80% of the work of a super giant center and remains healthy. "

Smart move. As much as I don't think he is the answer. during the playoffs Zu does 80% of what superstar Centers do and is always healthy. He is our anchor during the regular season.

[3] “Wow, the management did a great job, it feels like this is a 100% reasonable price. "

Wow what a solid bit of business from the FO. Feel like that's 100% a fair price.

[4]"It's Zubac's day! "

Zu daaaaaaaaaay!

[5]"The big guy is back !”


[6]"Please renew Harten's contract next"

Hart next plz

[7]"I have the stupidest question I want to ask. Our salary has far exceeded the upper limit of NBA. So how do we give Zubac a salary increase? What's stopping us from renewing Hatten's contract? "

I have the dumbest question ever. We are WAY over the spending limit in the NBA. How are we able to give Zu a raise like this? What's stopping us from doing something similar with Hart?

[-]"We have birds Right, which allows us to extend him beyond the cap. We don’t have Hatten’s bird rights, so we have to use the mid-level exception. At least that's what I think haha"

We have zu's bird rights which allows us to go over the cap to resign him. We dont have hart's so we can only use the mle. At least i think thats how it works lol

[--] “We also have the richest owner in basketball. "

We also have the richest owner in basketball.

[---]"The guy upstairs is right"

This right here ☝

[11]"Please practice your three-point shooting, so that I can Said this contract extension is a robbery. Regardless, it’s a great contract for us.

Please develop a 3PT shot so I can say this is a massive ass steal. Regardless, it is a good contract for us. 13] “Let’s help Zubac win a ring this season! ! ! "

Let's get big Zu a ring this season!!!

[14]"Go to Zubac! I'm so happy for him! "

Go big Zu! I'm so happy for him!

[15]"Although I am not a big fan of Zubac, I am happy for him. Hopefully he can take it to the next level this season.It's also a good tradeable contract if we choose to bring in stars."

While I've never been a massive Zu fan, I'm happy for him. Hopefully he reaches new levels this season. It's also a good tradeable contract if we choose to go for a star

[16]"Board man gets paid

Board man gets paid

[17]"Another victory. "

Another win.

[18]"With Covington playing the 5th position in the small ball lineup, when Zubac can shoulder his responsibilities well, we don't need another big center."

With Covington as small ball 5, not gonna need a big time center when zu fills his role pretty dang well

[19] with team reporter Joey Linn: "When everyone considers that the Clippers often play small lineups, that kind of thinking about the Clippers The idea that a big-money upgrade is needed at the five is always nonsense. "

The idea that the Clippers needed to make some expensive upgrade at center was always nonsense when you consider how often they go small.

[20]"For what he has done, Zubac is the most valuable player in the NBA. one. It is a victory for the Clippers to re-sign him with an annual salary similar to the previous one. ”

For what he offers, Ivica Zubac is one of the better values ​​in the NBA. The Clippers extending him for a similar annual value to what he was already getting is a big win.

fans commented on the tweets of reporters following the team

[21] “So right, I hope the fans who are clamoring for the Clippers to trade Kennard for a center who doesn’t fit the team’s plans will see your tweet. ”

Exactly right. I hope the people clamoring for the Clippers to trade Kennard for a center who doesn’t fit the scheme will read your tweet.