On June 28, the opening ceremony of the Luliang Economic Development Zone Employees Basketball Tournament was held. Hu Jixing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Cheng B

On June 28, the opening ceremony of the Luliang Economic Development Zone Employees Basketball Tournament was held. Hu Jixing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Cheng Bin, head of the labor union, presided over the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony of the Luliang Economic and Technological Development Zone Staff Basketball Tournament

A total of 6 units and enterprises participated in the employee basketball tournament, namely: Luliang Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Shanxi Second Construction Group Co., Ltd., Luliang Development and Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Luliang High-tech Development Research Institute, Shanxi Lianxiang Electric Power Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanxi Jiantou Shanxi Northwest Construction Industry Co., Ltd. The competition will be divided into three stages: knockout, semi-finals and finals.

Hu Jixing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Luliang Economic Development Zone, attended the opening ceremony and spoke

Hu Jixing spoke at the opening ceremony. He said that this employee basketball game aims to enhance the physical fitness of cadres and employees of economic development zone agencies and enterprises, enrich the cultural and sports life of employees, enhance unity and friendship, and stimulate the work enthusiasm and innovation ability of cadres and employees. He asked all athletes to strictly abide by the rules of the game, take every game seriously, respect opponents and referees, and put friendship first and competition second.

Hu Jixing hopes that through intense and exciting competitions, the athletes of each participating team will show their style, level, and spirit of facing difficulties and striving for the first place.

The scene of the opening ceremony

The team members competed on the field and took the lead

At the opening ceremony, Hu Jixing presided over the start of the employee basketball game.

Chai Zhaoyun and Chen Lansheng, leaders of the Economic Development Zone Management Committee and Transportation Committee, and Mu Jinfu, deputy director of Luliang High-tech Development Research Institute, attended the opening ceremony. Bai Xiaoqin

Lüliang Economic Development Zone