On July 1, the Chinese national table tennis team, which is training in Nanhai New District, Weihai, warmly celebrated the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the competition hall of the Nanhai National Table Tennis Team Training Base by reviewing

On July 1, the Chinese National Table Tennis Team, which is training in Nanhai New District, Weihai, warmly celebrated the Communist Party of China at the competition hall of the Nanhai National Table Tennis Team Training Base by reviewing the oath of joining the Party, watching the documentary on the founding of the Party, and singing red songs together. 101st anniversary.

In the morning, the event kicked off with the majestic national anthem. Liu Guoliang, Wang Nan, Qin Zhijian, Li Xun and Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha , Wang Manyu, and other main players of the national table tennis team, as well as the players and coaches of the Chinese national table tennis team training in the Nanhai New District, , stood neatly and sang the national anthem together. The national anthem ignited the patriotism in the hearts of every party member.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's charter..." After the national anthem was played and sung, under the leadership of Ma Long, all party members faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands, and spoke with full enthusiasm and resonant The solemn oath was taken in a solemn voice, and the sonorous and powerful oath resounded throughout the audience and hit the heart. Everyone recalled the original intention of joining the party, felt the magnificent historical journey of the party for a century, and the original intention of the century-old struggle has become stronger over time, and a sense of pride and glory arose spontaneously.

On the same day, all party members also watched the party founding documentary "Sail" and sang the red song "My Motherland and Me" together. The documentary was introduced from the red boat in Nanhu, Jiaxing, where the Communist Party of China dreamed of setting sail, and reproduced the century-old history of the Communist Party of China; the song The melody is long and lyrical, slowly telling the patriotism of all party members.

By taking actions to fulfill their original aspiration and using the camera to freeze their beliefs, the Chinese National Table Tennis Team has made an affectionate statement to the Party in the Nanhai New Area for two consecutive years. As a young generation of athletes, each of them shines with the spirit of patriotism and hard work. They consciously connect their personal future and destiny with the destiny of the country and national glory, and integrate their patriotism and ambition to serve the country into the reform of the motherland. into the great cause of development and into the great struggle of the people to create history. (Hi Weihai client correspondent Wang Xiaogen text/picture)