According to FIDE news, the 2022 FIDE World Championship Candidates Tournament held in Madrid, Spain, ended on the 1st, Beijing time, in the 11th round. Chinese player Ding Liren came back to defeat the American star Caruana, winning three consecutive victories and occupying the

Ruana, won three consecutive victories and took sole possession of second place in the standings.

A total of eight of the world's top chess players will compete in a double cycle of 14 rounds in Madrid. The final winner will be qualified to compete with world chess champion . This is also Ding Liren’s third time participating in the World Championship Candidates Competition.

In this round, Ding Liren and Caruana fought fiercely for nearly 7 hours. The latter, who took the lead in white, chose a complicated opening change and aimed his firepower at the king's wing. Ding Liren quickly counterattacked and took the initiative. Despite subsequent mistakes, Ding Liren still defended tenaciously in a passive situation and gradually eliminated the opponent's advantage. As the battle approached the second time limit, Caruana began to have doubts frequently. Ding Liren became more courageous and won the 78th round.

's victory in this round made Ding Liren the first player to achieve three consecutive victories in this candidate competition. In the four games of the second cycle, Ka, who once firmly occupied the second position in the standings, Ruana has suffered three defeats. The "leader" in the

standings, Nepomniach, also achieved victory in this round, defeating French hope star Firoja with black. The games between Azerbaijani chess player Rajabov and Polish chess player Duda and between American chess player Mitsuru Nakamura and Hungarian chess player Laporte all ended in draws.

Nepomniach currently continues to lead with 5 wins, 6 draws and 8 points. Ding Liren has 3 wins, 7 draws and 1 loss, with 6.5 points. He broke away from the previous second group to catch up alone, followed by Hikaru Nakamura and Karua. Accept.

The 12th round will be held on the evening of the 1st Beijing time. Ding Liren will face Radjabov, Nepomniacki will face Hikaru Nakamura, Laporte will face Caruana, and Duda will face Firoja.

Editor: Ding Wenxian Huang Xuguo Zheng Zhi