We don’t watch much foreign football. I really don’t know what it is like for foreigners to play and watch football now.

We don’t watch much foreign football. I really don’t know what it is like for foreigners to watch football now. Just after these few rounds of the Chinese Super League this year, I suddenly feel that Chinese football is so unfamiliar. Football is no longer the sport full of hard work, unity, and courage in my impression, but has become a carrier of abuse, selfishness, slander, and regionalism. ...Many people say that liking football is not just about liking the sport itself, but also liking the culture and spirit of the sport. So, our current football, from managers to practitioners, from players to spectators Football people, what are we playing, what are we watching, what are we fighting over?

I really don’t understand. Why are all the swear words used when playing football on the field? Look at how many shots there are in every game. You can read such classic swear words from lip reading and . The players greet their opponents and the host The coach greets the players...

After the game, various media comment areas and post bars are full of all kinds of disputes, ridicules, and insults. You call him a monkey, I call you a dock, you call him a donkey, and I call you a manhole cover. ...

I have been watching football for more than 30 years. From the beginning of the sports team to the A-level and then to the collapse of the Chinese Super League, I have never lost interest like today. If football becomes like this, I really will not write anymore. Motivated...