According to well-known reporter Shams, Kevin Durant officially submitted a trade request to the Nets and gave a list of next players, including the Suns and Heat.

The Nets took great pains to keep Irving . Looking back, Durant chose to stab the Nets in the back. He was ready to leave the Nets' mess and leave. Durant took the initiative to apply for a trade, and he must have been prepared. He no longer paid attention to outside evaluations. According to well-known reporter Shams, Kevin Durant officially submitted a trade application to the Nets and gave a list of next players, including Suns and Heat . Directly designated as the first in the East and West in the regular season, Durant's intention has been very obvious. He wants to take a shortcut to win the championship again.

After the news of Durant leaving the team spread, the Nets received nearly 20 trade offers one after another. The Nets did not limit the trading partners to the Suns and Heat. According to a report by well-known reporter Jack Settleman, the 76ers have launched a fierce pursuit of Durant. Their offer is Harris, , Thybulle and Maxey as well as several draft picks. As of now, the 76ers' offer is the most sincere, and the 76ers and the Nets are likely to reach a second deal within half a year. The Heat and Suns both made symbolic trade offers, and they did not want to destroy the original team framework because of Durant.

According to BR reporter Jason Dumas, Joel Embiid has clearly expressed his thoughts to the 76ers management. He hopes that the team will use all possible methods to introduce Durant. This is what pushed the 76ers to make The main reason for trading. According to sources, Embiid personally called Durant, and he has made certain progress in persuading Durant. If Durant is successfully persuaded, then the next step will be to test the 76ers' operational level. The attitude of the 76ers is that, except for Embiid and Harden , other players can be included in the transaction.

For Durant, the 76ers have given everything they have. Other teams are still in a wait-and-see attitude. The sincerity shown by the 76ers has taken an absolute advantage. The introduction of Durant is a deal that can really help the 76ers break down barriers. This will be a good opportunity for the 76ers to turn around. In the past two seasons, the 76ers' starting small forward was Harris. Apart from that, they had no other good forward players. This is also a problem that has been plaguing the 76ers since Butler left. Although Harris is also a quasi-All-Star with an annual salary of $36 million, his level is qualified for the starting position of the playoff team, but he is not at the level of a championship team. In the past playoffs, the 76ers' forward problems have become more and more obvious. We have repeatedly seen that the 76ers' forward offensive methods are single. After Harden and Embiid were flanked, other players were unable to complete the offense.

Obviously, Durant is the most suitable candidate. Harden and Embiid have given this team a very high starting point, and Durant is just the player to increase the ceiling. The previous failed joint experience does not explain the compatibility problem between Harden and Durant. Durant should be suitable for any team.

The whole incident is quite dramatic. From Harden's trade to Durant's trade, the Nets and 76ers are repeatedly combining and matching, seemingly trying to find the players who are holding them back. If the 76ers and the Nets make a second trade, it means that Simmons will reunite with his old teammates in Brooklyn - Maxey, Thybulle and Harris. Simmons and Embiid take turns leading the team alone. According to the control variable method , it should be possible to find out who is the real drag in the 2021 playoffs. It seems that Simmons is the real winner. After Durant leaves, there is no doubt that he is the absolute core of this team, and the Nets will build the team around him until at least 2026.

The Nets' reconstruction is not a mess, but relies on Durant's trade in exchange for 30 million-level All-Stars + young players + draft picks. The Nets have no capital to rebuild because their draft picks are in the hands of the Rockets. Now the Nets just want to ensure their competitiveness in the playoffs and smoothly spend the season without draft picks.Therefore, Irving may be a blessing in disguise and staying with the Nets. If the Nets want to remain competitive to the greatest extent, then keeping Irving is a better choice.

Considering personal ability, Irving is still the first-tier defender in the league. It seems that the compatibility of Irving and Simmons is no problem. What's more, Irving's trading level is at an all-time low, and the Nets are unable to receive an ideal offer if they rush to trade. Put your bet on Irving. If Irving is willing to play well, the Nets will still be competitive.