We were fortunate to witness the performances of two little flowers in the same era, and the two girls who are worthy of being recorded in the history of diving also performed their sisterhood.

The Paper reporter Pu Yaolei

Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan hugged after the game.

Chen Yuxi + Quan Hongchan are the gold medal guarantee for Chinese diving.

We were fortunate to witness the performances of two little flowers in the same era, and the two girls who are worthy of being recorded in the history of diving also performed their sisterhood.

They encourage each other, support each other, and compete with each other - they also have their own supportive fans.

However, the support of fans also needs to have a limit - if the dregs of fandom chasing stars and " poison only " are transplanted, it will not only hurt Chinese diving, but also chill the hearts of the two little girls. .

Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan won the gold medal as they wished.

In the women's synchronized platform event on the evening of June 30, Chen Yuxi's all-red and Chan combination did not disappoint, winning another gold medal for the Chinese team with a huge advantage of 69 points ahead of the second place.

In the previous women's single ten-meter platform event, this pair also contributed wonderful performances - Chen Yuxi won the gold medal with a slight advantage of 0.3 points ahead of Quan Hongchan, and the two of them led the third place by nearly 80 points many.

, a young platform combination with such outstanding level, is the "double insurance" for dream team in the new cycle of Paris. While appreciating the high-level duel, one must not forget that the two are not only competitors, but also friends.

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet age, the channels for audiences to obtain information and follow athletes have become increasingly convenient, and the opportunities for star athletes to be exposed and discussed have also increased exponentially.

However, in the same sports team, it is not advisable for supporters of different athletes to oppose each other or even "fight with each other". This phenomenon has appeared on social networks during this World Championships...

After especially Quan Hongchan's supplement Zhang Jiaqi participated in the mixed team competition, "conspiracy theories" against athletes even appeared on the Internet...

Previously, China The Olympic Committee has specifically issued a statement, saying that it hopes that all sectors of society will "respect the personal rights and interests of athletes and avoid inappropriate words and deeds while always caring and caring for athletes."

Like other Chinese sports teams, in the diving team, healthy competition and mutual encouragement are the catalyst and motivation for the athletes' continuous progress. It is also a major reason why the team can remain at the top of the world for a long time and win the title of Dream Team.

Although Chen Yuxi is only 17 years old, she also plays the role of "sister" to 15-year-old Quan Hongchan. Chen Yuxi had defeated Quan Hongchan twice before during the team test, but Chen Yuxi had not forgotten the ups and downs of his "sister"'s state and psychological emotions.

"I will tell her (Quan Hongchan) that she can calm down now, there is no need to be so anxious, just work hard and try your best."

The two people who did not have a synchronized platform partner at the Tokyo Olympics only started pairing up after entering a new cycle. The secret to being able to perform at a dominant level in a short period of time is mutual accommodation and understanding.

Take the words of Chen Yuxi: "Quan Hongchan has also put in a lot of effort, because I am not as capable as she is, so she will also follow my rhythm."

So we can see that this young pair The natural and close communication and encouragement under the platform and the fierce competition on the single platform have not affected the friendship between the two at all - even though they both said openly that their goal in the World Championships is to win the single and double platform. Two gold medals.

"I think the two of us have a healthy competition, and only with competition can we improve. No matter she competes well or I compete well, we will face the competition and results with a stable attitude. I hope everyone can perform at a good level. ." Chen Yuxi said.

Chen Yuxi’s mentor, Chinese diving star Shi Meiqin also told The Paper reporter: "Without competition, there is no motivation. Just like when they talked about their goals when they went out for interviews, Chen Yuxi said I want to get two Quan Hongchan also said that I want two gold medals. This is all due to the children's particularly honest and friendly competition. "

" Without this kind of mentality and mind, the two of them would not be able to reach the high level they are today."

Throughout the rise and establishment of Chinese sports in the world sports arena, we have always seen such healthy competition. Chinese women's volleyball team , Chinese table tennis team, Chinese swimming team ... Every group covered with honors, There is great internal competitive pressure, and the diving team is no exception.

"It's too 'volume', one is more 'volume' than the other." I will definitely worry about it, just control not eating snacks, control my weight well, and maintain a good level so as not to be eliminated. "

Faced with such competition, Quan Hongchan also said that she would feel pressure - but like her "sister" Chen Yuxi, her coping method is to calm down and concentrate on herself.

Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan, the rival and partner, will continue to compete for collective honor for a long time to come. The story they write together deserves people's expectations and blessings.

Editor in charge: Tengfei
