Kevin Durant shocked the entire basketball world after requesting a trade from the Brooklyn Nets, and the NBA landscape could change dramatically. The two are widely expected to stay in Brooklyn for at least one more year after Irving decided to exercise his player option on the

Kevin Durant shocked the entire basketball world after applying for a trade to the Brooklyn Nets . The pattern of NBA may undergo huge changes.

After Irving decided to exercise the player option on the final year of his contract with the Nets next season, it is generally believed that the two will play in Brooklyn for at least one more year.

Surprisingly, Durant made a request to leave the team. After all, Durant is one of the best players in the NBA today, and his movements have attracted great attention from the outside world.

Recently, ESPN analyst Richard Jackson said that he thinks this situation is reminiscent of Kobe Bryant once tried to apply for a trade to the Los Angeles Lakers, but Kobe did not leave the Lakers in the end.

"It reminds me of when Kobe asked for a trade, he wanted to be traded, and there was a lot of talk about him joining the Chicago Bulls. And then (the Lakers) said, 'Okay, this is what we're doing with Kobe Bryant in his prime. Asking price. 'Chicago, they're going to do whatever they can to offer a trade, and Kobe said, 'No, I'm not going to go there because if I go there, there's no star there to play with me.' It's probably better for him to stay in Brooklyn, if he's going to a team with no other superstars, no potential All-Stars, no other talent,"

as Jackson said. That way, Kobe ended up staying with the Lakers because he realized he had a better chance of winning a championship in Los Angeles. Sure enough, not long after, Kobe led the Lakers to win two more championships.

According to Jefferson , this is the cruel reality that Durant now faces the Nets. Any team that wants to trade him will need to give up a lot of chips, and they may be left with nothing when Durant arrives. That's the price a superstar like Durant (or Kobe) needs to pay.