After the winter of 1976, Ren Jian, who had jumped in the queue, went home to visit relatives, and happened to encounter a chess competition held by the Huancheng Club. Ren Jian was dragged to the competition site by a classmate who loved chess, and met the champion Wang Changmin

After the winter of 1976, Ren Jian, who jumped in line, went home to visit relatives, and happened to encounter a chess competition held by the Huancheng Club. Ren Jian was dragged to the competition site by a classmate who loved chess, and met the champion Wang Changming in the first game. Wang Changming is a veteran in Xi'an. He has a lingering chess style and is known as the needle hidden in the cotton. In the past, when he played with people with such a chess style, it was always a tiger taking over the sky - he had nowhere to exert his strength. After this period of experience in the countryside, Ren Jian's realm and chess skills have improved a lot, and he easily defeated the veteran in the first game. In the second set, we met the champion Xiang Yuanlin. Xiang Yuanlin was ten years older than Ren Jian. He was inspired by his father when he was young. He has been a champion from junior high school to university to work. He once won the fourth place in the Xi'an city competition. He felt that it was very difficult for him to play. Now that he is becoming more and more mature, Ren Jian is no longer the Amon of Wu Xia in the past. With his strong fighting spirit, he won the battle in one go. Finally, he fought fiercely with the overall champion Wang Qixing in the wheel battle. An educated youth with a winning streak and a powerful champion defeated the champion of Xi'an City. He immediately became a blockbuster. After that, Ren Jian was invited to become a member of the Workers' Club around the city. At that time, there was the Hujiamiao Workers' Club in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an and the Xiaozhai Workers' Club in the southern suburbs. Huancheng Club is full of powerful players. It already has masters such as Han Lun, Zhang Zenghua, Wang Huai, Pan Hongqi, etc. The addition of the up-and-coming Ren Jian makes Huancheng Club a three-legged rival.

In 1979, 22-year-old Ren Jian left the loess land where he had been working in the queue for three years and returned to the city to recruit workers and was assigned to the District No. 2 Knitting Factory. After working in the workshop for three months, he was appreciated by the factory director Yin Kaiming and was promoted to administrative director, responsible for the logistics work of the factory. In the same year, he participated in the Xi'an Staff Competition. This was also the first time Ren Jian participated in a formal competition. At that time, he could not even use a chess clock and was not used to notation, but he still won third place. In 1981, 24-year-old Ren Jian won the Yanta District individual championship. This was also the first official competition championship won by Ren Jian in his chess career.

In 1982, Ren Jian participated in the Shaanxi Province Excellent Youth Chess Competition. In a competition that brought together outstanding chess players under the age of 25 in Shaanxi Province, Ren Jian passed all the tests and won third place. The winner was the first chess master in Shaanxi Province, 16-year-old Zhang Huimin, who was still studying in the chess class of Shaanxi Provincial Sports School at the time. The runner-up was the famous general Niu Zhonglin. A young chess player who had never received any special training had such impressive results that he attracted the attention of the chess world.

At that time, the famous general Ma Changan, who was the coach of the chess class of the Shaanxi Provincial Sports School, had a keen eye for people and overcame all opinions. He specially invited Ren Jian to participate in the many coordination matches between chess class students and well-known chess players organized by him. Ren Jian was also unequivocal, and even beat many experts to win the championship three times. The championship prize at that time was a pack of Qianmen cigarettes, which was the best reward for Ren Jian, who was very addicted to smoking. Just when Ren Jian was working hard towards his chess dream, he encountered the strangest turning point in his life.

In 1983, one of the hottest and most popular words in society was "going to the sea". When friends met, they talked about business topics. Ren Jian's young heart was also excited by the passion of going to the sea. The stable and dull life in the factory seemed unable to satisfy his higher pursuit. After several days and nights of "long examinations", Ren Jian made the biggest move on the chessboard of life - "going to sea"! After bidding farewell to the knitting factory where he had worked for four years, Ren Jianyi joined the business world without hesitation and opened a company, mainly engaged in the trade of steel products and local products. As the saying goes, it depends on whether a person's burden is easy or not. Ren Jian is an excellent chess player, but not a qualified businessman. People who know Ren Jian say that he has a chivalrous spirit, loyalty, love and justice. But these good qualities turned into fatal flaws when doing business. When it's time to collect debts, just say a few nice words and forget it. When the time comes to deliver the goods, the cargo owner can delay the delivery by simply emphasizing the difficulties, regardless of the losses he may suffer. Ren Jian is afraid of being embarrassed when doing things and does not ask for help, but doing business requires a network of people. After several times, the company, even if it is a golden mountain, cannot withstand such torture. In fact, the biggest reason why Ren Jian is not a qualified businessman is that his heart is not here. He devoted himself to business, but his heart is still obsessed with chess. What he thinks about most every day is chess. Wherever you go, you have to squeeze into every chess stall to check out the winner.Once, he made an appointment with a client to discuss a business deal. When Ren Jian arrived at the meeting place on time, he saw a chess stall downstairs, and soon he started fighting with a good player. The challenger is the overlord of this chess stall. He has a loud voice and does not take the stranger here for the first time. After a few steps, the opponent's head is sweating, but his mouth is not soft. Ren Jian didn't say anything, he just moved around, as if he didn't even think about it. Finally the opponent stopped talking, and the crowd watching the chess game stopped offering any advice. At this time, Ren Jiancheng became the leader of the ring and asked if there was anyone he wanted to kill? At this time, he was like a victorious warrior. He was so proud that he had long forgotten his customers and business.

Watching chess booths has also been his habit for many years. When I was in love, I made an appointment with my girlfriend (now wife) to meet at Nanmen Pine Garden at 2pm. I saw a chess stall on the way there, locked my bicycle on a tree on the side of the road, and killed until dark. , the date was naturally forgotten. After playing chess, I walked home by myself because I could only think about chess. When I went to work the next day, I found that my bicycle was still forgotten by the tree next to the chess stand.

In 1986, Ren Jian, who was busy with business, was invited by Wang Fuli, a national referee and former vice chairman of the Municipal Chess Association, to participate in the Xi'an "City City Cup" chess competition. 98 chess players from all over the city participated in the preliminaries. Although Ren Jian had been away from the battle line for a long time and his sharp knife was covered with dust, he was still unstoppable in the group and successfully advanced to the finals. In the final, he struggled to defeat Fan Jiansheng, Hou Pingan and other famous players, and finally won the championship with a record of 4 wins and 1 draw! This is the first time Ren Jian has won a municipal competition championship.

In 1989, Ren Jian, who had been away from the chess world for a long time and was not doing well in business, ushered in a turning point in his chess life. In the winter, the first Shaanxi Chess Open was held at the Provincial Chess Activity Center. Wang Fuli strongly invited Ren Jian to participate and paid him a 10 yuan registration fee in advance. Afraid that Ren Jian would not participate in the competition, Wang Fuli, Zhao Ziru and other chess players also thought of the most powerful move - the "stimulating general method". They boldly said that Ren Jian could not even get the "Level 2 chess player", which meant that he would not be among the top six. Ren Jian, who didn't know what was going on, fell into the trap as expected. He held back his energy and finally won fifth place in the Provincial Open, just in time to get a second-level chess player certificate. The most important thing is that the brutal chess battle in the provincial competition rekindled Ren Jian's long-lost passion, causing him to bid farewell to business and return to the competition. We should thank Wang Fuli, Zhao Ziru and other chess players for using their wisdom and sincerity to retain a rare chess talent in the Shaanxi chess world. Otherwise, we may no longer see many masterpieces contributed by chess kings, and there will be no famous chess players in the country. Wang Fuli, who once served as vice chairman of the Municipal Chess Association, has loved chess all his life. In the late period of the "Cultural Revolution", he has been presiding over the competitions and refereeing work of the Huancheng Workers' Club. In 1990, he was approved by the National Sports Commission as a national first-level referee and has served as a major referee in Xi'an for many times. The chief referee of the competition, , died of illness in 2010, which was a great loss to the Xi'an chess community.
