"Football News" issued an article saying that previously, the AFC postponed the deadline for bidding to July 15, hoping that more applicants would participate. This move has achieved certain results, except for South Korea and Indonesia, which have officially confirmed their bids

On the afternoon of June 30, the Korean Football Association officially submitted a letter of intent to the Asian Football Confederation to bid for the 2023 Asian Cup. The Indonesian government also publicly expressed its support for the Indonesian Football Association's bid. " football newspaper " issued an article stating that previously, the AFC postponed the application deadline to July 15, hoping that more applicants would participate. This move has achieved certain results. In addition to South Korea and South Korea, which have officially confirmed their bids, In addition to Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are also rumored to be interested.

The reason why South Korea is so active is because its most recent Asian Cup championship was when it hosted the competition for the first time in 1960. Now Korean football needs an Asian championship title. And this may also be the last Asian Cup in which the most valuable star in Korean history Son Heung-min will participate. South Korea is determined to win the trophy. If it plays at home, it will be South Korea's biggest advantage.

On October 17, the AFC will decide on the right to host the 2023 Asian Cup. In principle, the original summer season will be maintained. However, if the host country is in the Gulf region, Indonesia, or Australia, the season is likely to be postponed to 2023. Winter or January 2024. Given that the hosting of the Asian Cup in recent years has basically followed the "unspoken rules" of rotating the event between East and West Asia, East Asian countries are highly likely to host it.