The Brooklyn Nets have been in a state of upheaval recently. The Irving incident has not yet subsided, and Durant has begun to apply for a trade again. Starting from Durant's application for a trade, it means that the Nets will enter the game. Dispersion and reorganization stage.

The Brooklyn Nets have been in a state of ups and downs recently. The Irving incident has not subsided yet, Durant has begun to apply for a trade again. Starting from Durant's application for a trade, that means Nets will enter the disintegration and reorganization stage. According to the famous reporter Sham, Durant has submitted a trade request to the Nets, and Nets owner Tsai Chongxin has agreed. Nets general manager Sean Marx is looking for a new home for Durant, and many teams have begun to make offers. Nash panicked.

famous reporter Shams revealed that Durant is tired of all the trivial matters of the Nets. He no longer trusts the Nets management and coaching staff. This distrust has already arisen this season when Irving refused to be vaccinated, Harden 's departure is also a blow to Durant, and it continues to intensify this distrust.

After Durant left the Warriors, he had to face the problem of proving himself. He joined the Nets to form the Big Three with a very direct purpose, which was to win the championship. The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. After Durant came to the Nets, he did not achieve the expected results. The team always had problems of one kind or another. Whether it was affected by a large number of injuries or the team's personnel was not uniform, the Nets suffered a lot in the past two seasons. The playoffs stopped early in . Until Harden leaves the team, it heralds the official disintegration of the Nets' Big Three lineup, and if the Nets management does nothing, the team will also fall apart.

Durant directly applied for a trade to Tsai Chongxin. In fact, Boss Tsai wanted to refuse in his heart, but he had to comply with Durant's wishes. It was not sweet to force him, so he had to arrange for general manager Max and Durant's business manager Rich Kleiman communicated to find a new home for Durant. Durant made requirements for the next home. Like Bill, Durant hoped to go to a team that can win.

As soon as the news of Durant leaving the team came out, many teams have begun operations and joined the team competing for Durant, including the Suns, Heat , Jazz and Trail Blazers , etc. According to the news, Among many teams, the Suns are currently leading the way and becoming Durant's preferred team.

Suns team reporter John Gambadoro followed up with reports that the Suns have turned all their attention to Durant. The Suns are currently discussing the optimal plan and do not want to destroy the entire team because of Durant alone. .

After the news of Durant leaving the team came out, Trail Blazers player Nurkic once again posted a composite picture of Durant wearing a Trail Blazers jersey and Lillard, and included a combined emoticon. Some time ago, due to rumors that Durant would also leave the team during the Irving incident, Lillard and Nurkic had already sent out this P picture, indicating that the Trail Blazers also wanted to get Durant. Now Durant has made a move. On the shelves, it’s time for the Trail Blazers to take action.

Durant's application to leave the team completely disrupted all the Nets' plans. Among them, head coach Nash panicked. From the beginning of becoming a coach, Nash had a high starting point to coach a championship team. The rookie coach's coaching skills are hidden by the performance of many All-Star players in the team. Now that the Nets are falling apart, Nash's poor coaching abilities will be infinitely magnified.

Nash once said that if he joins the coaching team, the last thing he wants to do is rebuild the team. Now the Nets are about to face this problem. The current situation of the Nets is also inseparable from Nash. When Durant, Harden and Irving were on the team at the same time, Nash failed to balance the relationship between them. This is also one of his coaching responsibilities. Obviously he did not make it happen.

As soon as the news came out that Durant applied for a trade, the entire network was shocked, including many NBA players who said they felt incredible. Wizards player Kuzma updated social media and said it was too unreal, with three laughing and crying emoticons. Embiid even tweeted lol (meaning laughing), obviously he is also eating melon, and his heart is not calm. Embiid will definitely think so, if I had known that Durant would leave the team, we would still have Harden. What to do!

Later, the media posted Embiid's tweet in 2016. Embiid wrote at the time: "It's time for the 76ers to recruit KD again."

American reporter Jack Settleman followed up and reported that the 76ers will pursue Durant with all their strength. , they are willing to pay , harris, , thybulle. Maxey and some draft picks.

Now the big fish of Durant has appeared. Any team with Durant joining is already qualified to compete for the championship. It can be foreseen that in the next period of time, many teams in the league will focus on Durant. Be prepared, Durant's final ownership may change the pattern of the league next season, and where he will end up is worth looking forward to.

#Durant applied to leave the team#

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