Live Broadcast News, July 1st, the Wimbledon Tennis Open, the third Grand Slam event in 2022, has entered the fourth match day at the All England Lawn Club. In the first round of women's doubles, Zhang Shuai/Mertens, who played as the top seeds, swept Bondar/Mean 6-3, 6-1 in just

Live Broadcast News, July 1st, the Wimbledon Tennis Open, the third Grand Slam event in 2022, has entered the fourth match day at the All England Lawn Club. In the first round of women's doubles, Zhang Shuai / Mertens , who played as the top seed, swept Bondar/Mean 6-3, 6-1 in just 59 minutes and advanced to the second round.

Zhang Shuai/Mertens teamed up in the 2019 and 2022 grassland seasons. They reached the finals in Birmingham, but retired because of Zhang Shuai's injury. Opponent Mi En just lost to Zheng Qinwen in the women's singles match. The two teamed up to reach the quarterfinals of French Open , showing great strength. The two sides have never played against each other before.

Zhang Shuai/Mertens took the lead in serving in the first set. They saved the break point to hold serve, and then scored 4 consecutive points to break serve and establish a 2-0 lead. In the 3rd game, Zhang Shuai/Mertens wasted 3 game points and was broken back by their opponents, but they still broke serve again in the 6th game, saved 2 break points and then held on to serve to win the set. , 6-3 took the lead.

In the second set, Bondar/Mean took the lead in serving. Zhang Shuai/Mertens broke serve immediately and established a 2-0 lead after winning 4 consecutive points to secure serve. In the third game, Bondar/Mien withstood the pressure of a tie and held serve. Then Zhang Shuai/Mertens hit a wave of shock waves that won 4 consecutive games, breaking their opponents twice and winning 6-1 in the next set. , defeated the opponent with a big score of 2-0, giving Mien a double defeat in one day, and both lost to Chinese players, advancing to the second round.

In the next round, Zhang Shuai/Mertens will face Grubic/Osorio, who defeated the wild card combination Kartal/Miller 7-5, 6-4.
