Boxing fans may have discovered a problem. Although Deontay Wilder and Floyd Mayweather are both from the United States, their relationship is not harmonious. Mayweather even said that he prefers Anthony Joshua. , this is worth pondering.

Boxing fans may have discovered a problem, that is, although Deontay Wilder and Floyd Mayweather are both from the United States, their relationship is not harmonious. Mayweather even said that he prefers Anthony Joshua, this is worth pondering. Mayweather went to the UK to cheer for Joshua in 2020. At that time, Joshua knocked down Kubot Pulev. After the game, Mayweather warmly hugged and took photos with him, which made Wilder very unhappy. , when Mayweather posted the relevant photos, he sarcastically commented in the message.

Boxing fans can’t help but ask, why is the relationship between Wilder and Mayweather so tense? At least they couldn't get along with each other. As the saying goes, nothing freezes three feet in a day, and the discord between Wilder and Mayweather did not form overnight. Wilder revealed the issues in a podcast interview this week, saying it started with his change of head coach.

Wilder suffered a tragic end to Tyson Fury in their second rematch in February 2020. After that, he made adjustments to the team and fired his long-term coach Mark Breland. Immediately, the topic of who will be Wilder's new head coach became the focus of public discussion. In this case, Mayweather took the initiative to ask for help, hoping to guide Wilder, but Wilder was deeply skeptical about this. He believed that Mayweather's so-called application to be a coach is more like grandstanding.

Wilder said: "At the time, we were looking to work with a new coach, and I really liked Derrick James (Spence's current coach). He's a good guy and I admire what he does. I also really like Derrick James. I like George Foreman . He once gave me advice on training issues. However, for Mayweather, I feel that he doesn’t like me. He is just doing this to attract attention. I can’t see any difference from my career. After my career started, people who always liked to bet with me would sincerely become my coach."

Probably because he was worried that boxing fans would not understand what he said, Wilder explained further, saying: "From my professional perspective. Since the beginning of my career, Mayweather has been pointing fingers at me. It is impossible for us to cooperate. He wants to be my coach? I think he does not like me and does not have my best interests at heart."

In the end. , Wilder chose his good friend Malik Scott as the new coach. He led Wilder to participate in three battles with Fury . Some people think that Wilder's rejection of Mayweather is completely understandable, but there is no need to go to the line. The reality is that Wilder was completely frustrated after losing to Fury in the second fight, and he could find a series of excuses. It can be seen that Wilder was already confused at the time, even to the point of biting whoever he saw, but Mayweather jumped out and was shot directly.

Mayweather hopes to serve as Wilder's coach. Whether it is grandstanding is unknown, but what is certain is that he has no previous experience in training boxers and only occasionally coaches "Tank" Gervota Davis. You are Wilder If Wilder is concerned, he will also consider Mayweather's motives and his own future. However, in the author's opinion, Wilder's rejection of Mayweather as a coach is only one of the reasons for the discord. Their dislike of each other is the key.

Now, Wilder has planned to return to the game, but the opponent and time have not been finalized. It is rumored that he may choose one from Robert Helenius, Adam Konach, Otto Varin, and Charles Martin. I hope Wilder can make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise boxing fans will be waiting there dryly, unless he directly announces the end of his boxing career.