At the competition site, our reporter Li Jinxi took the live broadcast of Nanyang News (Reporter Li Jinxi) On June 29, the "Cai Tao Fang" Cup 2022 Nanyang City Veteran Cadres Fishing Competition was held at the Qilin Lake National Fishing Base. This competition is sponsored by th

Competition scene Our reporter Li Jinxi Photo

Live Nanyang News (Reporter Li Jinxi) On June 29, the "Painted Pottery Square" Cup 2022 July 1st Nanyang City Veteran Cadres Fishing Competition was held at the Qilin Lake National Fishing Base.

This competition is sponsored by the Municipal Party Committee Veteran Cadres Bureau and the Municipal Senior Citizens Sports Association, and is hosted by the Municipal Veteran Cadres Education Activity Center, the Municipal Fishing Association, and the Municipal Senior Citizens Sports Association Fishing Special Committee. 67 fishing enthusiasts from 30 teams in our city participated in this event.

The competition officially started at 7:30 a.m. that day. All the players came to the corresponding fishing position, sat on the horse, loaded the bait, threw the rod, and closed the rod. Each move was quite professional. During the fishing process, some veteran cadres waited quietly and concentrated, while others exchanged experiences and competed in skills from time to time. Every time a fish took the bait, they would be admired. At 10:30, amid the laughter and laughter of the players, the intense competition came to an end. After the referee weighed on site, the team award, outstanding organization award, and individual competition ranking were awarded.

Du Guozhi, a retired veteran cadre of our city, won the first place in the individual competition of this competition. "Thank you to the Communist Party for creating today's happy life for us and allowing us to be active and happy in our retirement life." Other veteran cadres also said that participating in the competition not only experienced the joy of fishing, but also felt the party's care and concern. warmth.

Zhao Yongzhen, secretary-general of the Municipal Fishing Association, said that the elderly, as an important asset of society, are an important force in promoting the construction of a harmonious society. This competition encourages old comrades to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, continue to use their remaining heat, pass on positive energy, and contribute to the construction of Nanyang as a modern provincial sub-central city.

Editor: Qi Jie

Preliminary review: Chen Xiaopu

Final review: Lu Yuanpeng