On June 30, Beijing time, the Korean Football Association officially confirmed that it had submitted an application to the AFC to host the 2023 Asian Cup. The last time South Korea hosted the Asian Cup dates back to 1960. The South Korean team relied on the advantage of the host

On June 30, Beijing time, the Korean Football Association officially confirmed that it had submitted an application to the Asian Football Confederation to host the 2023 Asian Cup. The last time South Korea hosted the Asian Cup dates back to 1960. The South Korean team relied on the advantage of the host nation to win the championship in this Asian Cup. Korean fans did not expect that for many years after that, the national team would never win the Asian Cup championship again, and had always played the role of accompanying the prince to study in the Asian Cup.

Therefore, the Korean Football Association wants to take the opportunity of hosting the 2023 Asian Cup to help the Korean team realize their dream of winning the championship. China was originally the host country for the 2023 Asian Cup. Unfortunately, due to various factors, the Chinese team finally gave up. China gave up on the 2023 Asian Cup, allowing other countries to see the opportunity. In addition to South Korea, countries such as Australia and Indonesia want to host the 2023 Asian Cup.

The right to host the 2023 Asian Cup is so hot that it is almost being snatched up, which surprises many fans. In this regard, Chinese Football Association can only remain calm. From the analysis of popular bids from South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and other countries, South Korea is most likely to stand out. Because of South Koreaโ€™s hardware facilities, there will definitely be no problems. In addition, South Korea is more willing to host than other countries.

What fans are worried about is whether there will be a home whistle if South Korea becomes the host country of the 2023 Asian Cup. In the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, South Korea took advantage of the host country and profited from many controversial whistleblowings to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup historically. Fans who have watched the game are crying out for Italy and Spain, which were eliminated by the Korean team.

After Italy was sent out by the black whistle, it hated South Korea. Since then, Korean players have not been allowed in the Italian league. Today, the Korean team has world-class stars Son Heung-min sitting on the team, and in the future they will have the advantage of playing at home. Many Chinese fans feel that based on the situation of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, the Asian Cup championship can be given to the South Korean team in advance. I hope that the South Korean team can win the Asian Cup with real ability and stop becoming the focus of public controversy.

(shopkeeper Luo)
