Mills declining his player option is a red flag for the Nets.

Mills declined the player option, which is a red flag for the Nets .

A veteran like this who is old and has obvious shortcomings has limited market value. The annual salary of 6.2 million is already a high price, but he didn't ask for it. What does it mean? It means that Mills either wants to go to a more competitive team. , or you want to take advantage of the last afterglow to gamble and see if you can rely on your performance this year to get the last high-paying long-term contract of your career in the market, similar to PJ Tucker.

After Mills jumped out of the contract, the total salary of the remaining Nets players was 151 million, which exceeded the salary cap of 23 million. The management was powerless and could not offer Mills an annual salary higher than 6 million. After all, if the money was increased, There is no need to hang someone from a tree when there are better personnel choices in the free market.

The front office staff treated Mills well. They gave him the money he deserved and guaranteed his tactical status and playing time. However, the latter still jumped out of his contract. This reflects the Net's declining attraction to veterans and the players. Disappointment with the team’s competitiveness.

Mills joined the Nets to win the championship, not to cause trouble with the prince. Some people are paid low wages to do big things, and some are paid high wages to do small things off the court. Even if is swept in the playoffs, there are still difficult adjustments between the core and the management. Contradictory, muddy water up and down, it is normal to not want to stay and get dirty.

There are teams on the market that are more competitive than the Nets. Mills' current state also has the possibility of getting more money elsewhere. There is no need to stay in Brooklyn and continue to waste time. This is not a slander or derogation of the Nets. network, but this is indeed the case.

Just imagine, if you were a thirty-year-old veteran, would you still take the initiative to run to the Nets? Most of them were probably shaking their heads.

With the continuous period of chaos and negative news, the Nets have lost the attraction they had when the Big Three were first formed. Griffin Ade's failure is the first. This offseason, it should be difficult for any veteran to take the initiative to cut his salary again. The Nets throw themselves into each other's arms, the Nets in the East and the Lakes in the West are brothers in distress.

Thinking from the perspective of the Nets, it is not unacceptable for Mills to leave.

Although the latter performed at a thigh level, he is not essentially what the Nets need. First of all, he is too short, and secondly, he basically has no defense. His position also overlaps with the little Curry . The 6 million middle-class players freed up after jumping out of the contract , it would be a better choice for the Nets to use it to strengthen the inside line.

Mills is not suitable for the Nets, and the Nets are not suitable for Mills. It is good for both parties to get together and get together easily.

In addition to him, Ade, Griffin should not be stranded. The possibility of these two brothers returning to the Nets is even lower than the possibility of Mills cutting his salary and renewing the contract after he jumped out of the contract. To win the championship, on the other hand, he would give up tens of millions of dollars for the championship.

In the past two years, the Nets management's operations in the free market have actually been precise and normal. The lack of a dream-chasing Green is one of the reasons why the performance has not improved. No one dares to stand up and express opinions like him. and dissatisfaction.

The side effect of the mercenary army (not in a derogatory sense) is this. If you take it apart, you can fight each other, but when you work together, you will always work hard, because from the beginning of the fight, some people's goals are not the same as those of others in the team. superior.