For the Chicago Bulls, their first priority in the offseason is to renew Zach LaVine's contract. If they cannot retain the dunk king, then the team's efforts in the past few years to compete for the championship will be in vain. Flowed. Currently, LaVine has jumped out of his con

For the Chicago Bulls , their first priority during the offseason is to complete the contract extension with Zach LaVine. If they cannot retain the dunk king, then what the team did in the past few years to compete for the championship The effort was wasted.

Currently, LaVine has jumped out of the contract and became a completely free agent. "This is a decision I made after discussing with my agent. Although I am valued here ( Bulls ), I still want to become a free agent," LaVine said after the season. Testimonials.

In fact, the Chicago Bulls have made a lot of efforts to retain LaVine. They are willing to complete the contract extension with a five-year maximum salary of US$215 million, which has shown great sincerity. Over the years, in order to achieve the goal of hitting the championship, the Bulls have successively introduced DeRozan, Vucevic and Caruso, as well as Zach LaVine, who has arrived a long time ago. A lineup is enough to challenge for top honors, and it has already produced results last season.

However, when LaVine chose to opt out of his contract, the Bulls felt pressure. If LaVine left, they were not sure whether their main force would still have the patience. When receiving the team's maximum salary extension notice, LaVine immediately discussed with his agent. He told reporters: "My agent advised me to stay with the Bulls because no one was willing to pay a higher price, but I still want to consider it. At the same time, I have received offers from other teams. "

LaVine certainly has his own considerations. He is already 27 years old and is in his prime period as a professional player. If he does not take advantage of this period to complete his total. The dream of becoming a champion will become difficult in the future. The Bulls are a team with a solid foundation, but now they are in the team-building period and it will be difficult for them to return to their peak in a short time. Therefore, LaVine can't afford to wait. He needs time to think carefully. Before the end of the offseason, he must Determine the path for the second half of your career.