On June 29, He Ming, party representative and secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital Institute of Physical Education, visited the Beijing News Qianlong.com interview room to talk about his feelings about this important measure. The school will strive to build the nationa

The report of the 13th Beijing Party Congress proposed the construction of the Beijing International Olympic Academy. On June 29, Party representative and Secretary of the Party Committee of Capital Institute of Physical Education He Ming visited the Beijing News Qianlong.com interview room to talk about his feelings about this important measure.

html On June 29, He Ming (right) was a guest in the Beijing News Qianlong.com interview room. Photo by Beijing News reporter Li Muyi

He Ming said that this is a major development opportunity for the school in the capital, the "Double Olympic City". The school will strive to build the national team for international Olympic research and promotion, the main force for the implementation of the sports power and Healthy China strategy, the vanguard of sports science and technology innovation, and strive to build a world-class sports university and a world-class Olympic that integrates the development of Chinese sports spirit and Olympic spirit. Academy .

Colleges and universities will make greater contributions to the development of the capital.

Beijing News: In this party congress, what aspects are you most concerned about?

He Ming:This is my second time to attend the Municipal Party Congress. In 2017, I participated in the Party Congress as a local cadre. This year, I participated in the Party Congress as a representative of a university. I am indeed extremely excited and proud.

5 years ago, I worked in local government. At that time, I paid more attention to local economic development, people's livelihood security, social progress and other fields. This time, as a representative of a university, I participated in the conference and felt more deeply. I paid more attention to topics such as education, technology, sports and future industrial development.

I am deeply encouraged and excited to participate in the Party Congress this time. In the report, higher education is mentioned in many places, pointing out the direction for the future development of higher education and clarifying key tasks. For example, the description of how universities should play a role in the construction of International Science and Technology Innovation Center is very clear and specific.

At the same time, there are 5 statements about sports in the Party Congress report, which provide a broader platform for our sports colleges and universities to play their role. As a party representative engaged in physical education work, I am very excited to see that the municipal party committee attaches so much importance to future education, science and technology, and sports. It can be said that universities will make greater contributions to the development of the capital in the new era in the future.

Beijing News: The Party Congress report proposed "capital development in the new era". As a university leader, how do you feel?

He Ming: In the future of , the capital has broad development prospects. There is broad room for universities to play their role in the construction of the "Four Centers" in the capital. Now that sports has become an internationally accepted language, sports will increase mutual exchanges and understanding between countries and people. Therefore, our school can play a greater role in these aspects, organize more international events, conduct more exchanges with international friends, etc., and make unique contributions to the construction of an international exchange center. Facts have proved that the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics is not only a success in sports events, but also enhances mutual understanding and integration among people from all over the world, and plays a great role in my country's foreign exchanges and cooperation. Great promotion effect.

We, Capital Sports College, are confident that we will make greater contributions in the construction of the "Four Centers".

Cultivate nearly a thousand students in the field of ice and snow sports

Beijing News: We are concerned that the construction of the Beijing International Olympic Academy has been written into the Party Congress report. In addition, in December 2021, the Beijing International Olympic Academy was unveiled at the Capital Institute of Physical Education. What efforts has Capital Sports Institute made in the past five years?

He Ming: was written into the report of the Party Congress on the construction of the Beijing International Olympic Academy. I was very excited after seeing it. This is a great encouragement to the teachers and students of the First Institute of Physical Education.

Let me introduce the establishment process of Beijing International Olympic Academy. The Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are the first Olympic Games since the promulgation of the " Olympic Agenda 2020" to comprehensively plan and manage the Olympic legacy from the beginning. In September 2018, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government decided to build the "Beijing International Olympic Academy" relying on the Capital Institute of Sports.

In 2021, with the authorization of the International Olympic Committee and the approval of the Central Office, the Beijing International Olympic Academy was officially unveiled and released to the world, becoming the third International Olympic Academy in the world established by a national government decision, and also becoming The first humanistic knowledge heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, our teachers reported the construction of the college to Chairman Bach, and Chairman Bach signed his autograph on our picture album. He expressed great admiration for China's establishment of such an academy, its ability to have such responsibilities and layout, and its future arrangements for the Olympic movement, , Olympic sustainable development, and legacy inheritance. Chairman Bach also wished the Beijing International Olympic Academy could build better.

Beijing News: Taking advantage of the historical opportunity of organizing the Beijing International Olympic College, what work has the Capital Institute of Physical Education carried out?

He Ming: We are working on two aspects of at the same time. On the one hand, they are active in serving the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, and training nearly a thousand students in the field of ice and snow sports. This time they directly served various events and volunteer services at the Beijing Winter Olympics, such as The referees on the field, the technical staff of OBS broadcast, the staff of the inner circle on the scene, and the volunteers of the competition will use the professional strength of our sports people from the First Sports Institute to serve the Beijing Winter Olympics. We have made our first contribution to the Beijing Winter Olympics, and at the same time we have trained our teachers and students. After these teachers and students returned, they continued to spread the Winter Olympics spirit, Olympic knowledge and cultural heritage in our school. We also use our scientific and technological strength to support the hosting of the Winter Olympics , and undertake the "Technology Winter Olympics" special project of the national key research and development plan to serve the Winter Olympics venues, such as cross-country skiing , ski jumping , etc. In addition, we undertook the writing work of the official summary report of the Winter Olympics.

On the other hand, we have seized the opportunity of the establishment of Olympic College to vigorously promote school reform and innovation. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and government, we have clarified the school's positioning of "high-level, small but refined, international and service-oriented" and adhered to the principle of physical education and medical education. We adopt the school-running idea of ​​​​innovating and developing the integration of work and industry, and strive to create six major school-running features: "physical education, Olympic education, sports artificial intelligence , integration of sports and medicine, culture and news communication, and ice and snow sports". Our goal is to create the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic Games A world-class sports university with spiritual integration and development.

At present, our school running indicators have increased across the board, and the development trend of the entire school has undergone fundamental changes. In the future, our school will make new contributions to the development of China's sports industry and even the international Olympic movement.

Beijing News: Beijing International Olympic Academy is listed at Capital Institute of Physical Education. What changes will it bring to teachers and students?

He Ming: I usually have a lot of contact with students. Seeing the changes in the school, our teachers and students are sincerely proud. Building moral character and cultivating people is the fundamental task of colleges and universities. The national and municipal Party committees have given us a new mission, which is a great promotion for schools to improve the quality of talent training. The majority of students are the direct beneficiaries, and the spirit of teachers and students has been greatly improved. Changes have further enhanced patriotism, boosted confidence, and enhanced the sense of mission and honor. As the school’s party committee secretary and a teacher, I am deeply gratified to see such changes.

Beijing News: What Olympic elements are reflected in schools?

He Ming: Our school has an Olympic garden where everyone studies, rests and organizes student activities. In addition, we have held many Olympic education exhibitions in the university student gymnasium to promote the Olympic spirit and spread Olympic knowledge and culture. We also have the Olympic Education Museum. This museum was established in 2008 and preserves physical exhibits from previous Olympic Games. We offer free admission to primary and secondary school students in the city, and it is very popular among students.

school has a Winter Olympics Station, which played an important role in the preparation and hosting of the Winter Olympics. It received relevant departments of the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee to come to the school for work docking, event rehearsals, drills and other tasks.

In addition, the school has an ice hockey stadium, which is also an important physical legacy left by this Winter Olympics to the school. In the two years since its establishment, the museum has not only provided services for the training of teams related to the Winter Olympics, but also provided guarantee for our school's ice hockey team to continuously improve their competition level. For example, during the preparations for the Winter Olympics, our school's ice hockey team participated in the Winter Olympics test match with the ice hockey teams of Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Renmin University. The response from the society was very good.

Beijing News reporter Cao Jingrui Wu Tingting

editor Liu Qianxian proofreader Xue Jingning