On the evening of June 28th, Beijing time, Westbrook announced the official execution of his Lakers contract worth US$47.1 million next season. It is understood that the Lakers have James, Big Eyebrow, Westbrook, Nunn, Tucker, Johnson, Reeves and Gabriel under contract next seaso

reporter Feng Zihan

compared to Irving chose to stay with Nets , and Westbrook who showed the same operation seems to be "expected".

On the evening of June 28th, Beijing time, Westbrook announced the official execution of his Lakers contract worth US$47.1 million next season. This choice is undoubtedly the most suitable for him. After all, other teams cannot give him such a large salary.

After his salary was settled, Westbrook was also extremely happy and posted a video of himself dancing and celebrating on social media.

Westbrook laughed, Lakers cried.

Before last season, the Lakers made a desperate move to recruit Westbrook and formed the "Zhan Meiwei" Big Three, trying to hit the championship again. After one season, this "poison contract" has become a bitter drink that is difficult for the Lakers to swallow.

In fact, the team has tried to trade Westbrook more than once, but due to his performance being difficult to match the huge contract, no team has been willing to take over. For example, the team wanted to exchange Irving from the Nets for an offer with Westbrook as the main body, but it was rejected.

This "hot potato" has severely locked up the Lakers' salary space.

It is understood that the Lakers have James, thick eyebrows , Westbrook, Nunn, Tucker, Johnson, Reeves and Gabriel under contract next season. The total salary of these eight people reaches 150.8 million US dollars. , and the upper limit of luxury tax collection next season is US$149 million, which means that the Lakers must pay luxury tax next season.

In addition, this year's team rookie Max Christie will also occupy a certain amount of salary space. They also rely on the mini-midlevel exception worth $6.5 million, the veteran's minimum salary and two trade exceptions. But how to assemble a roster of 15 people in limited space is a headache for general manager Pelinka.

Therefore, the Lakers are of course more willing to trade away Westbrook, but they will not give away their future draft picks in related transactions, which makes it more difficult to reach a deal. In addition, based on the lessons learned from Luol Deng , the Lakers would not dare to use the extension clause even if they bought out Westbrook.

At present, the Lakers have reached a dilemma. If they want to completely get rid of Westbrook's contract, they will inevitably pay a more painful price.

However, if Westbrook can show his worth next season, the Lakers still have room for maneuver.

There are reports that Westbrook has great trust in new head coach Darwin Ham, and he is also full of expectations for the new season. American basketball reporter Wo Shen broke the news that in several recent chats with Westbrook, he learned that Westbrook and Ham have reached some kind of consensus. Westbrook said he and Ham got along very well and was looking forward to playing for Ham.

If Ham can really "subdue" Westbrook, it will be a great achievement; on the contrary, the new coach's first season with the Lakers may not be easy.