In the 2021-22 playoffs, we saw that some players hit hard in the regular season, but were submissive in the playoffs, such as Trae Young. In the playoffs, his efficiency dropped sharply under the Heat's strong defense, and he was easily eliminated by the Heat; Some players are t

In the 2021-22 season playoffs , we have seen that some players hit hard in the regular season, but were submissive in the playoffs, such as Trae Young. In the playoffs, the efficiency dropped sharply under the strong defense of the Heat . They were easily kicked out by the Heat; while some players were transparent or even invisible in the regular season, but in the playoffs they were like magic weapons descending from the sky and performed very strongly, just like Jimmy Butler, who led the team to the Eastern Conference Finals alone. So since this century, which players have the greatest contrast between the playoffs and the regular season?

In order to make the results sufficiently convincing, players with an average playing time of more than 30 minutes per game are selected for sorting; the evaluation indicator is BPM, which is the average plus-minus value, which is a relatively objective indicator. The results are as follows (data From the blogger "The hoop is the origin"):

The player with the greatest contrast between the playoffs and the regular season, KD has been on the list three times, and the rising star is No. 1

As you can see from the picture above, the names of many big names appear on the list. There are Durant , Curry , Irving , Westbrook , Lillard , etc., and even Butler who is known as the tough guy in the playoffs. Who is the player with the most appearances on the list? Kevin Durant , listed three times, which is quite surprising. These three seasons are:

  • In the 2021-22 season, his BPM in the playoffs was as low as -2.9, and the difference compared to the regular season was as high as -10.1, ranking close to 3rd. KD's performance in this playoffs was too disastrous. In the first round, it performed very poorly under the strict defense of the Green Army. It had poor efficiency, frequent mistakes in handling the ball, and its offense was also quite sluggish..
  • In the 2015-16 season, his BPM in the playoffs was 4.0, a difference of -5.9 compared to the regular season. This season was the one where Durant collapsed. He suffered a huge reversal from the Warriors in the playoffs and ultimately missed the finals. In the playoffs, Durant shot 43% from the field and 28.2% from three-point range. His efficiency was average. .
  • In the 2009-10 season, his playoff BPM was 2.1, a difference of -5.0 compared to the regular season. This season is the third season of Durant's career and his first playoff game. Although he averaged 25 points per game, he shot 35% from the field and 28.6% from the three-point range. The trick of "Punishment King" uses the ultimate .

In the past 20 seasons, the biggest contrast is Trae Young. His regular season BPM reached 5.2, averaging 28.4 points and 9.7 assists per game, and he entered the third team of the All-NBA Team. What about the playoffs? Under the Heat's defense, BPM dropped to -8.1. It was a completely enigmatic performance. In five games, he averaged 15.4 points, 6.0 assists and 6.2 turnovers per game, shooting 31.9% from the field and 18.4% from three-point range. His performance was very impressive. The absolute culprit for the Eagles' loss.

Harden is the most surprising

Many people must be looking for the names of James Harden when they see this list, because Harden is labeled as "playoff softie", but the result is not Find Harden's name, why?

In fact, Harden's performance in the playoffs is not soft. It's just that his performance in key battles (or life and death battles) was too high. . For example, in the 14-15 Western Conference Finals against the Warriors, he made 16 shots in the G5 life and death battle. 3 hits; in the semifinals of the 16-17 season against and the Spurs , in the life-and-death battle of G6, he made 2 of 11 shots with 6 turnovers; in the 17-18 Western Conference Finals against the Warriors in G7, he made 2 of 13 three-pointers. These overly hip performance in key games have caused Harden to be labeled with too many misunderstandings.

Looking at Harden’s playoff resume in all seasons, you will find that the overall performance of his playoff data in a single season is very good. No season’s playoffs are very crotch-stretching, which makes him "on the list." Unnamed" . But in other words, if Harden can perform strongly in key games, maybe he should have his own championship!