On June 22, Beijing time, the 2021-22 NBA Finals came to an end with the Warriors winning the championship. This is the fourth championship the Warriors have won in the past eight years and the seventh championship in team history. The team held a grand championship parade yester

On June 22, Beijing time, the 2021-22 season NBA Finals came to an end with the Warriors winning the championship. This is the fourth championship the Warriors have won in the past eight years and the seventh championship in team history. The team held a grand championship parade yesterday.

During the Warriors' championship parade, the single Thompson became the target of female fans. At the parade celebration, Thompson suspected of pointing his finger at a female fan wearing a Warriors jersey. The female fan posted a video this morning and wrote to Thompson: "I know you pointed at me. If you want to marry Just say it."

During yesterday's championship parade, a young Warriors fan held a sign to shout out Thompson. It read: "Klay, my mother is single!" This photo was also posted on social media. It went viral in the media.

It is worth mentioning that in yesterday's championship parade, when Thompson stepped off the championship float to interact with the audience, he almost fell due to the uneven road. He stumbled and bumped into a female fan.

Interestingly, in the group photo after the Warriors won the championship, veterans such as Curry and Dream Chaser were holding their children, and even the young Wiggins attended with his daughter. From the first championship in 2015 to today, Curry and other Warriors stars have welcomed the birth of their children, but Thompson is still unmarried. In his life, it seems that going to sea and his dog Rocco are more important.