Not for sale! Juventus does not consider any offer to Chiesa Junior

Not for sale! Juventus did not consider any offer to Chiesa

Chiesa used to be criticized because of the stray shots when he was at Florence . When he first arrived at Juventus, he was also unique.

But now Chiesa is like a different person.

Confident, courageous, and has his own personality charm.

Seeing the current performance of Chiesa, many giants are also interested in him, such as Liverpool and Chelsea.

But according to Romano, Juventus did not consider the sale of Chiesa at all. Chiesa is a key part of the team's plan and Juventus will not consider selling.

From Juventus perspective, it is absolutely wise to keep Chiesa. It is not too much to say that Chiesa is the most dazzling star in Italy. From to Vieri and because After Zaghi retired, Italy really did not have a top striker.

But from the perspective of Chiesa’s own development, if there is a suitable opportunity, it is better to leave the Bianconeri and go to a higher platform to develop, such as the Manchester City duo, Liverpool, Chelsea, Bayern and other top clubs. .

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