The Korean women’s volleyball sisters are so ruthless. Not only do they bully their classmates, they also beat their husbands into depression. Netizens wonder about other things.

Speaking of the Korean women's volleyball twins , Lee Daying and Lee Jae-young sisters, most people who like to watch women's volleyball matches know them. The twin sisters are both volleyball players. Lee Dae Young plays the role of setter and Lee Jae Young plays the main role.

The twin sisters are only 25 years old this year. Not only do they have excellent skills, but they also look amazing. They became famous very early, played in the Korean league at a young age, and were selected for the national team because of their superb skills. Both of them are the absolute main players of the Korean women's volleyball national team, and they have played a lot for the Korean women. In 2018, the two played for the South Korean women's volleyball national team and played together in the World Women's Volleyball League. In 2019, the two will join the Korean women's volleyball team to compete in the World Cup.

The two players play well, and the appearance is outstanding. They are all stunning beauties. There are many fans at home and abroad who like them. Lee Daying is lively and cute, and likes to use dancing to enliven the atmosphere of the game. In the 2015-16 Korean Women's Volleyball All-Star Game, the Lee Da Young sisters danced in the middle of the arena, twisting their hips, snorting, sending hips, provoking opponents, molesting male referees, and dancing with their hands on the male referee's shoulders. The male referee was embarrassed.

This incident caused a sensation. The two sisters are beautiful, good-looking, cheerful, and absolutely hot girls. The hot dance of the two quickly attracted everyone's attention and became a celebrity in volleyball for a while. How can such a pair of sisters who are good at playing, beautiful, and lively not be liked by others, so they both have a lot of fans and they are very popular. Until the campus bullying incident happened, the personal settings accumulated by the sisters suddenly collapsed.

In February of this year, the sisters spent their former classmates reporting the twins on the Internet in South Korea, saying that they had bullied their classmates and behaved extremely badly during their time on campus. They will force classmates or school teammates to do weird movements and conduct verbal and physical abuse. After losing the game, the sisters will let the victim do motorcycle-riding postures, collect money, pinch their stomachs, start their heads, and hit their mouths.A victim pointed out that the sisters could only win, not lose, when they were playing basketball. Once he lost the game, he would punch and kick his classmates, or even threaten them with a knife. In the dormitory, when the lights are turned off at night, they will also ask their classmates to do something. If they are rejected, they will use dirty words to insult the other party, or even more aggressive behavior. This caused great physical and psychological harm to those victims.

After the scandal broke out, it caused a sensation in the Korean sports arena. It is difficult for the majority of netizens to accept that these beautiful twins will behave so badly, and they have condemned the sisters on the Internet. Under pressure from public opinion, the Korean Volleyball Association decided to expel the sisters and prevent them from entering the national team. South Korea's Heungkook Life Club made a decision at the same time to suspend the two of them from competition, suspension of training, and no longer pay salaries. It is difficult for the sisters to gain a foothold in Korean volleyball.

In fact, after the twin sisters broke out in the bullying scandal, many people still find it difficult to understand. It is difficult for everyone to associate such a pair of beautiful, lively, and cute girls with bullying behavior. The two had never left such an impression before. Unexpectedly, such behavior is by no means accidental. Not only do they often bully their classmates while on campus, they also bully their classmates even after they leave campus. This time the victim turned out to be their close lover—the husband.

Li Daying’s husband came forward and broke the news, claiming that his life after marriage was like hell and he was often insulted by his parents and even beaten. abuse. He also said that he was suffering from depression and was undergoing psychotherapy.

After this incident broke out, it was really shocking. He scolded her husband and her parents, and beat her husband to make him suffer from depression. How vicious are such people,What else can Sister Lee Daying do? So it's not surprising that they bullied during their campus. Of course, such people cannot forgive, and I believe they will receive more retribution in the future.

Netizens are curious about when Li Duoying got married, I haven't heard of it before.

In fact, Li Duoying married Zhao as early as April 2018, and she was only 21 years old at that time. However, the two began to separate after only 4 months of marriage, and then began to prepare for divorce by agreement. It won't work if Zhao does not live apart. Judging from the man's statement, Li Duoying was often scolded and beaten. Li Daying is about 1.8 meters tall and is an athlete. It is estimated that Zhao can't beat Li Daying. Zhao was depressed by Li Duoying and was about to receive psychological treatment. Lee Daying is ruthless!
