CBA Three News: The former Guangsha foreign aid hopes to return, the Zhejiang teenager finally transfers, the Basketball Association considers the new competition system

Hello everyone, I’m Beining, you guys should develop the habit of like first and then read!

In recent years, Zhejiang Guangsha team 's foreign players are indeed not so good, capable foreign players have lost the chain in other aspects, and those with insufficient ability will not be able to help the team achieve better results. Count down the small foreign players. Among them, only the pigtail Fordson's performance is not bad. Not only can he break through the score, he can also feed Hu Jinqiu. He is one of the better foreign players selected by the Guangsha team in recent years. He used to be with the Greek insider . Bolosis led the team to the finals together, but was later abandoned by the team due to his worsening shooting ability. Fordson later joined the Sichuan team, and the Sichuan team did not renew the contract last season. Fordson, he briefly bid farewell to the CBA league.

Recently, the American media broke the news that Fordson hopes to return to the CBA league next season. If he can't get a contract with any CBA team, he will consider going to the European League. This is actually not difficult to guess. After all, the CBA league The salary is relatively high. Compared with Europe, the league here is less intense and the pressure is relatively small. Playing in a weak team doesn't need to consider other things at all. It's over if you score crazy points.

However, according to the current situation, it is still relatively difficult for Fordson to re-employ in the CBA. After all, his height is only 1.81 meters. Although his breakthrough speed is very fast, his explosive power is strong, and his bounce is good, but this The height basically means that it is difficult for him to contribute to the team on the defensive end. This feature is very unsuitable for staying in a strong team. The development of CBA to the present, the foreign players of the strong team also need to undertake some defensive tasks, so strong The team will definitely not consider him as a foreign aid.

If you are a weak team, you should not favor Fordson either. Because his shooting ability is relatively unstable, he mostly relies on hitting the basket to score. If there is no player like Hu Jinqiu in the team, Fordson's role will be greatly improved. Reduced. In the Guangsha team, Fordson averaged an exaggerated 12 assists per game, while in the Sichuan team, his assists were only 7 times, so compared to signing Fordson, the weak team has other A better choice for foreign aid.

It can only be said that Fordson is really not suitable for the CBA league now. If his height is about 1.95 meters,It is estimated that it will become the top level foreign aid in the CBA, but the 1.81 meter height greatly limits his development. Of course, it does not rule out that the team will be interested in him. Fordson is a player who can help the team. , But want to help the team to win the championship is still so short, I hope he can get the CBA team contract as he wishes.

Fordson Guangsha team period

The second message comes from the Zhejiang team’s teenager Bai Jie. Recently, the Zhejiang team issued an official announcement stating that Bai Jie will permanently transfer to Tongxi team from next season. This is the result of unanimous discussions between the two teams and Bai Jie himself. Bai Jie expressed satisfaction with being able to join the Tongxi team. He finally completed a permanent transfer.

In 2020, the Zhejiang team’s teenager Bai Jie was loaned to the Tongxi team. At that time, this was Bai Jie’s loan request. He hoped to go to other teams to try and see if he could play. Zhejiang team I was very supportive of his ideas and helped him contact the Tongxi team. So far, Bai Jie came to the Tongxi team to play on loan.

Bai Jie gained some playing time in Tongxi team last season, but his performance was not good enough. He averaged only 1.6 points per game. He is considered a marginal player in Tongxi team. This is indeed a scary thing. , The young players who can't play in the regular rotation in Tongxi team will be very confused. After all, this is already a weaker team in the CBA. Bai Jie was once thought by fans that he would play for the NBL league. .

But things are developing in a good direction. Tongxi team decided to sign a 4-year Type B contract with Bai Jie, which means that the team believes that he still has a certain training value, and Bai Jie has a few years to prove it. For his strength, he personally hopes that the Zhejiang team will transfer him directly to the Tongxi team, so that the club's motivation will be stronger, and now Bai Jie's wish has finally come true.

Indeed, this is something that is easier to understand. If it’s just a loaner player, then even if Bai Jie’s performance in training is very good, Tong Xi team would not dare to train him too hard. Now Bai Jie is done. With a permanent transfer, he is already an official player of the Tongxi team. The team can give him more opportunities to play. They have no worries and hope that Bai Jie can play a better performance in the Tongxi team.

Zhejiang team released the poster of Bai Jie leaving the team

The third news comes from the Chinese Basketball Association. It is still unclear what game system will be adopted next season, but according to well-known media sources, the basketball association is late The reason for the delay in releasing the competition system for next season is that they are considering a compromise system between the competition system and the home and away system. The Basketball Association is considering a new competition system.

For clubs, the game system will indeed greatly affect their income. After all, they need to invest at least tens of millions of yuan to enter the team every year. When there is no epidemic, the ticket income plus the sponsorship dividends can be offset This part of the investment, but now the ticket income is basically zero, sponsorship fees have been greatly reduced, and some clubs are under greater financial pressure.

The Basketball Association must have considered this situation. Their latest idea is that the main body of the league is still the game system, but it is not a single game system like last season. Instead, it plans to choose 4 cities to host 4 game venues. At the same time, if the situation of epidemic control is better at that time, we will consider opening the audience to the game.

Of course, the venues selected for the match system are all third-party cities, and there is no home and away advantage. Therefore, the audience’s ticket revenue is divided equally between the two teams. This can relieve the pressure on the team’s funds to a certain extent, although it is definitely not as good as the home and away system. However, it is a good thing that the Basketball Association is willing to make changes. At least they are thinking about the CBA team, which is also the most reasonable game system today.

After all, no one can predict how the epidemic will develop in the future. It is unwise to choose the game system or the home and away system rashly. The most important thing in the CBA league is to successfully complete all the games. What to consider under this major premise The biggest gain from the game system is the positive answer. I hope the Basketball Association can come up with a relatively compromised game system as soon as possible so that fans have the ball to watch.

Yao Ming, Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association

Many fans are worried about whether the league will be suspended next season. This question should not be possible. After all, the suspension is the last way. CBA will not easily take this step. Now As long as the Basketball Association determines the game system for the next season, everything else can be said. The so-called CBA team encounters funding problems.It's not that it really won't continue to operate.

In fact, the special game system considered by the Basketball Association is more feasible. This can reduce the flow of personnel. If epidemic prevention is done, there will be no big problems. Fans who want to go to the home to watch the game can also choose the nearest game. In the host city, the CBA will gradually return to normal and improve a little every year. I believe it will not be long before a healthy CBA league will return to the fans.

I am Beining, a female fan, follow me to get more CBA information!
