Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting!

2021/01/2523:00:07 sports 2318

Sichuan played against Shanghai in the CBA regular season. It was originally a contest between two weaker teams in the league, but it became exceptionally exciting because of the superb performance of the team's foreign aid. In the end, Sichuan team defeated Shanghai team after double overtime and won a match. Not easy victory.

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews

In the last 4.7 seconds of the regular season, Shanghai team Fredette made a difficult three-pointer against Hunter, saving the team at the moment of life and death, helping the team equalize the score, and Sichuan's offense missed and entered the first plus At the end of the first overtime, Hunter made a three-point buzzer against the Sichuan team’s face-to-face defense, equalizing the score. The two sides entered the second overtime, and finally relied on Hunter in the second overtime. With consecutive points, the team won the final victory.

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews

At the end of the game, the lonely god Fredette scored 70 points, and his personal score exceeded 50% of the team's total points. He sat firmly in the CBA empty position as the group leader; Hunter threw down the whole game 68 points, scoring accounted for half of the team's total points, and ultimately helped the team win. It is very rare for two players to score 65+ points in a game in a formal league.

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews

The Shanghai team made extensive personnel adjustments last season, but the team's record has not changed much. The team is also very talented in selecting foreign aid, and back and forth chose the lonely god Fredette, who is in time. The data is bright, but the team is still difficult to win. The Shanghai team seems to be in a quagmire and can't get out of it.

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews

The same is true for the Sichuan team. After winning the championship with three foreign aids that year, the team fell into a slump, and has a special liking for Haddadi. Although Haddadi has excellent game data, it has entered the end of his career and it is difficult to help. The team once again hit the championship. Of course, the Sichuan team did not invest as much as the Shanghai team, but we still hope that the Sichuan team can further improve its record and reproduce the glory of the year.

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews

Two 65+ in a game, rookies pecking each other is also exciting! - DayDayNews


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