Has the NBA started four periods of superpower competition?

2021/01/2522:56:03 sports 1215

The Lakers, Clippers, Bucks, Nets, the current team in the league with bare hands. Among the four teams, the Lakers are the most complete relative lineup, with balanced offense and defense, and no major flaws.

The Clippers still lack master control, and what the Nets Big Three will be like, is still unknown. The Bucks may not get stronger this year, Antetokounmpo's projection is still very "exaggerated".

Has the NBA started four periods of superpower competition? - DayDayNews

If you want to rank, the biggest threat to the Lakers is still the Clippers next door. Then there are the Big Three who have run in well. That's it for the Bucks, and it doesn't feel like a big breakthrough.

The Clippers' forward line is the main threat to the Lakers, and the cards and George are in hot form. The Lakers lack someone who can really defend against the superior, and they can't let James watch the whole game.

Has the NBA started four periods of superpower competition? - DayDayNews

Although Harrell left this season, they resolved the conflict in the dressing room. The team is now very good offensive and defensive under the training of Tylenlue. Xiaoka lost his load management this season, and has only rested two games so far this season, and also played back-to-back. This will greatly promote the team's running-in. They are currently 13 wins and 4 losses, tied for first place in the Western Conference with the Lakers. Like last season, the lack of master control, but they have become stronger.

Has the NBA started four periods of superpower competition? - DayDayNews

The biggest advantage of the Lakers is LeBron James and thick eyebrows. Old Zhan’s ability and leadership need not be said. First of all, the hard power is higher than the others. Although they are older, their status has not declined much. For the team's leadership, it is second to none. So far, the Lakers have not been infected with the new crown, no one has been quarantined, and the game has not been postponed. This is evident from this.

Secondly, thick eyebrows are the biggest advantage in alignment. Not only these teams, in the league, no matter who they are against, thick eyebrows are an advantage. As the old saying goes, he is tall and strong, does not move as fast as him, and does not have his projection. He is projecting, not tall, and not skilled. Not only is it offensive, but the defense with thick eyebrows is even more cover-up. A pair of long arms, the grasp of the defensive position, and the choice of timing are all top.

Has the NBA started four periods of superpower competition? - DayDayNews

The above is an analysis that stays on paper. Actually a team needs strength and luck to win the championship or even defend it. The Lakers must proceed cautiously.Protect the main force and reduce injuries.

Although he was ready to play the Clippers last season, he finally passed the Clippers. This year, there is bound to be a battle in the playoffs. The Nets may not be able to break through the East, but once they break out, they will pose a great threat to the Lakers.

The current league is not the East and West Four Super Leagues, but one Super Super League. It's just that this super advantage is not as big as imagined.






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