Shanxi loses to Beijing! Ledo has mixed joys and sorrows, Ding Wei's tactics arouse public outrage, the original handsome becomes the only bright spot

2021/01/2522:48:03 sports 897

Shanxi loses to Beijing! Ledo has mixed joys and sorrows, Ding Wei's tactics arouse public outrage, the original handsome becomes the only bright spot - DayDayNews

Today's performance of Ledo should be a hot topic for countless people. It is indeed possible to see the data. At the end of the third quarter, Ledo scored 20 points as the first person. Even Ledo scored 35+14+10 in the game, but Ledo's shooting percentage was only 11 of 32. Such a shooting percentage is really embarrassing. In fact, due to the characteristics of Ledo, he is the kind of person who is known for being unique, low efficiency and loves singles. Of course, he is Ding Wei's veteran in Beijing Enterprises, which will greatly affect the team's basketball atmosphere.

Shanxi loses to Beijing! Ledo has mixed joys and sorrows, Ding Wei's tactics arouse public outrage, the original handsome becomes the only bright spot - DayDayNews

Even Ding Wei was a real failure in this game. As long as Zhang Ning got the ball, he shouted for Zhang Ning to give the ball to Ledo. This situation was vilified by countless people. You need to know that Zhang Ning played well in the game, 1 of 2 three points. But Ding Wei seemed to regard Ledo as a god-like foreign aid, which was indeed a bit too frustrating. It seems that for Ding Wei, he only trusts Ledo? And in the case of Ledo's physical decline in the last moment, he could not do anything, and both offensive and defensive ends collapsed.

Shanxi loses to Beijing! Ledo has mixed joys and sorrows, Ding Wei's tactics arouse public outrage, the original handsome becomes the only bright spot - DayDayNews

Of course, the original handsome in this game is not bad. He scored 29 points in 36 minutes of the game, shooting 9 of 10 and 5 of 5 three-pointers. During this period of time, the former coach's state has reached a peak, and he has self-confidence. If it weren't for the existence of the original coach, Shanxi would have already been scored. In fact, the performance of other local players is not bad. If Ding Wei can give other players some opportunities and give Ledo some time to rest, Shanxi may still win this game.

Shanxi loses to Beijing! Ledo has mixed joys and sorrows, Ding Wei's tactics arouse public outrage, the original handsome becomes the only bright spot - DayDayNews

Finally, talk about Ding Wei's tactics. He asked Zhou Zhandong to defend Gibson and was directly beaten by Gibson in the second half. Moreover, the tactic of the whole game was to let Xiaowai go out to play five, and Zhang Ning was directly killed. After the game is still bombarding the technical table, his performance on the court is difficult to satisfy.


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