After 165 days! Guangdong finally welcomes the return of the ace center, Marbury shows great power, Shougang bottoms out

2021/01/2522:44:03 sports 1524

On January 25th, Beijing time, the CBA regular season continued to play hotly. Although the Xinjiang men's basketball team temporarily lost their absolute leader Zhou Qi, they were still able to fight hard against the North Control men's basketball team led by Marbury. Ben Marbury was a great show of power in the game. Even when all positions of the Beijing Control Men's Basketball Team were at a disadvantage, he was still able to lead the team to suppress the Xinjiang Men's Basketball Team and victory is in sight. I have to say that this is also a skill! Beijing Shougang has completed a bottoming out and beat Shanxi 125-114. For Guangdong Hongyuan, they finally ushered in the return of their ace center. Yi Jianlian, who returned to China at the beginning of this year, has only a few days left in the isolation period. This also means that the UAE will rush as soon as the isolation period ends. Go to Zhuji Division to complete the rendezvous with the team.

After 165 days! Guangdong finally welcomes the return of the ace center, Marbury shows great power, Shougang bottoms out - DayDayNews

Although Guangdong Hongyuan still achieved the second place in the standings despite the absence of most of the games in the UAE this season, to be honest, Guangdong Hongyuan without Yi Jianlian has no soul. Although they can still beat many opponents, everyone can see that this season's Hongyuan lower limit has been slightly lowered, and the stability against strong teams is also decreasing. After all, they lost an absolute leader on both offense and defense, which is understandable. After being injured in the finals last year, the UAE has been away from the CBA for 165 days. Happily, the UAE has recovered from injuries much faster than expected. There is almost no problem in coming back this season. The UAE has accepted the doctor’s basics. Check and get permission for low-intensity training. After the end of the quarantine period, Hongyuan will arrange for the Arab League to join the team as soon as possible. Many fans said that even if the UAE cannot play, as long as they are sitting on the bench, without even saying a word, the morale of Hongyuan soldiers will burst in an instant! No way, who makes him the real soul of this team?

After 165 days! Guangdong finally welcomes the return of the ace center, Marbury shows great power, Shougang bottoms out - DayDayNews

The North Controls men’s basketball team seems to have failed to achieve the expected goals this season. After all, after creating the best record in team history last year, people have higher expectations for Marbury. I hope Marbury can bring North Control this year. Reached the quarterfinals or even the quarterfinals. But the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. Even if the old horse is more powerful, in just two years, there is still no way to change the weak team of Beijing Control from the original bottom team to the league strong. Of the team. But it must be said that the progress of the Beijing Enterprises Men's Basketball Team is indeed visible to the naked eye.In this game, Beikong played against the league’s third-ranked Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team. It kept suppressing Xinjiang in the first three quarters. Marbury, who showed great power, obviously controlled the "victory code", although this Xinjiang team temporarily lost Zhou Qi. But they are still one of the best teams in the league, and it is indeed not easy for Beijing to achieve this point!

After 165 days! Guangdong finally welcomes the return of the ace center, Marbury shows great power, Shougang bottoms out - DayDayNews

Beijing Shougang has finally regained the initiative in this game against Shanxi, which has lost consecutive consecutive games. The scene where Wang Xiaohui "fell" Franklin in the past was impressive. Franklin finally returned in this game. When warming up before the game, Wang Xiaohui took the initiative to shake hands with Franklin. Obviously, he apologized to Franklin. In this game, Shougang’s Fang Chaoju came out. He made 8 of 16 shots and made 5 three-pointers. He scored 28 points and 9 assists and 4 rebounds. Together with Gibson, he led Beijing Shougang to complete a bottom-out rebound. 125-114 victory over Shanxi.

After 165 days! Guangdong finally welcomes the return of the ace center, Marbury shows great power, Shougang bottoms out - DayDayNews


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