Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence)

2021/01/2522:08:03 sports 2971

The Former Residence of Ye Chujia is located at No. 4 Baibupo, Gulou District, Nanjing. The building was built in 1945. It is a two-storey small building with a red-tiled roof and a beige roof. There is an attached house on the west side and a small garden on the east side.

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Ye Chujia (1887—1946) was named Zongyuan, written by Zhuoshu and under the pen name Xiaofeng. He was born in Zhouzhuang Town, Suzhou, Jiangsu, grew up in Zhouzhuang, and then settled in Shanghai. He is a member of the League, a famous newspaperman in the Republic of China, a famous novelist, and a poet from the Southern Society. Former Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee, Chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, Member of the National Government, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary-General of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, Secretary-General of the Provisional Joint Conference (Wuhan National Government), Vice President of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, and Vice President of the Executive Yuan. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as an emissary of comfort in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Beijing and Shanghai. He died in Shanghai on February 15, 1946, at the age of 59.

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Baibupo No. 4 of the Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) was listed as Nanjing 2015 as a listed cultural relic protection unit 011 in 2015 Important modern architecture record.

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

Jinling Video: Baibupo No. 4 Republic of China Building (Ye Chujia Former Residence) - DayDayNews

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