It's time to test Putin! Protests in Russia's 60 cities, the United States: the price of not letting go

2021/01/2519:28:02 sports 2307

Protests and demonstrations in the 60th city of Russia, the time has come to test Putin, the United States jumped out to reiterate "democracy and freedom"

It's time to test Putin! Protests in Russia's 60 cities, the United States: the price of not letting go - DayDayNews

Biden has just taken office less than a week, the time has come to test Putin, and there has been an outbreak in Russia. In the Capitol riots, protests and demonstrations appeared on the streets of more than 60 cities. The media in the United States and Europe believes that this is the "price" of Russia's persistence. According to Russian media news on January 25, not long in the past, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that before the demonstrations in Russia, the US embassy in Moscow had released a "demonstration road map" for various cities in advance. Encourage the demonstrators to join the message of "marching to the Kremlin."

It's time to test Putin! Protests in Russia's 60 cities, the United States: the price of not letting go - DayDayNews

It is reported that the fuse of the demonstration was the arrest of Navalny, who had just returned to China, on the 17th of this month. Most of the demonstrators were young people. They were instructed by the Russian opposition Navalny team. During the arrest, the United States and Europe demanded that Russia release Navalny, but Russia believes that the pressure from the United States and Europe will not allow Russia to make concessions. Russia will deal with the issue of Russian opposition Navalny being detained by Russia in accordance with its own laws. This matter, this is Russia's right, the West and other countries have no right to give pointers, and Russia can't tolerate the US's fanfare behind the scenes.

It's time to test Putin! Protests in Russia's 60 cities, the United States: the price of not letting go - DayDayNews

It is reported that Navalny was still in Germany on the 15th of this month. He told the media: No matter what happens in Russia, no matter how the Moscow government treats him, he will return to Russia without hesitation, because Russia is his My hometown, I miss the motherland and the masses of supporters. On the 17th, Navalny was arrested by the Russian police as soon as he landed at Moscow’s airport. Russia stated that Navalny had violated the bail period and was suspected of cooperating with Western intelligence agencies. Russia is conducting a detailed investigation of Navalny. . The news quickly attracted the attention of the West. Congressmen in the United States and Europe immediately condemned Russia and demanded the unconditional release of Navalny.

It's time to test Putin! Protests in Russia's 60 cities, the United States: the price of not letting go - DayDayNews

Soon, demonstrations broke out in Russia.The Russian police announced that the number of arrests of “demonstrators who violated the epidemic prevention regulations” exceeded 1,700. Now the United States has jumped out again, saying that it will always stand by the side of Russian demonstrators and demand that Russia respect human rights and respect the “democratic freedom of demonstrators” "right. Analysis believes that Navalny is a "puppet" of the West. The United States and Germany have accused the Russian Intelligence Agency of poisoning Navalny. In fact, Russia has resolutely refuted that if the Russian KGB were to poison him, he would now He will not live, let alone let him leave Russia and go to a German hospital.


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