Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products

2021/01/2518:24:03 sports 1618

There is no doubt that entertainment stars are one of the highest income groups in China, and making a movie can earn tens of millions of dollars. What's more, it can reach hundreds of millions. Although the income of entertainment stars is very high, the prerequisite is that they can be recognized by the market. Once a celebrity is overwhelmed, let alone tens of millions of pays, he may not even be able to receive the show. There are numerous similar examples.

Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products - DayDayNews

Among many celebrities, Ming Dao is a typical representative. Ming Dao, who is about to turn 41, has been a host since 22, and has filmed many idol dramas, including "The Wedding Dress of the Kingdom", "The Prince Turns into a Frog", "The Magician of Love" and so on. In 2007, Ming Dao officially entered the mainland screen and starred in the national emotional drama "Dream Paradise". Since then, Ming Dao's acting career has continued to rise, and his popularity has risen steadily.

Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products - DayDayNews

With the increase in popularity, Ming Dao's salary has naturally risen, from 100,000 to hundreds of thousands in one episode. The highest time should be in 2013. In that year, Ming Dao took over the filming of "The Legend of Hot Mom" ​​and starred with Sun Li. Thanks to the blessing of "Zhen Huan Biography", Sun Li's film remuneration skyrocketed, from 150,000 to 600,000 for one episode. Although Mingdao is a little less, there are 500,000. There are 38 episodes in this drama, and Ming Dao's income is 19 million.

Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products - DayDayNews

was able to get nearly 20 million in pay for a movie, and Ming Dao's popularity at the time can be imagined. "The Legend of Hot Mom" ​​was the peak of Ming Dao, and it began to plummet, and thereafter fewer and fewer films were filmed. In recent years, Ming Dao has been in a state of nothing to film. For the 41-year-old Ming Dao, this reality is too cruel.

Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products - DayDayNews

Of course, even if there is no show to film, Ming Dao's state will not be too bad, after all, many years of acting career have accumulated enough wealth. Although he has been famous for a long time and had a large income every year before, Ming Dao's mother is very low-key and simple. It is really unexpected to set up a street stall to sell sweet potatoes. When his mother was selling sweet potatoes, Ming Dao occasionally helped.

Eight years ago, the pay was nearly 20 million, but now I can’t receive the show, my mother is still selling agricultural products - DayDayNews

After a long trough, Mingdao’s situation has improved recently, and it has frequently appeared in variety shows during this period. In addition to the hit "Brother Chase Light",Ming Dao also appeared in the drama "Parallel Time Meets You", and in the short film "You Are the Secret of My Time", his acting skills exploded. Because of the sufficient exposure, Ming Dao seems to be showing signs of improvement again, which is a good start for him.


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