Preventing and controlling the epidemic situation of workers returning to their hometowns, weaving dense protective nets in Baisha Town, Huangshi City

2021/01/2517:48:03 sports 1287

Aiming at the characteristics of the large number of returnees from migrant workers and the large number of cold patients in winter, recently, the Baisha Town Health Center of Yangxin County, Huangshi City, Hubei Province has formed a team of more than 30 "gatekeepers" called "Prevention and Control Working Group under Normal Conditions" "Team. The working group actively played the role of sentinel of the township hospital, strictly set up "three districts and two channels", conscientiously implemented the responsibility system for the first consultation, pre-inspection and triage system, strengthened the prevention and control of nosocomial infections, and actively carried out normalized epidemic prevention and control work .

Preventing and controlling the epidemic situation of workers returning to their hometowns, weaving dense protective nets in Baisha Town, Huangshi City - DayDayNews

Yangxin County Government inspects the epidemic prevention and control work

Admission to the hospital is the first pass that the Baisha Town Health Center has checked. The hospital changed the entrance channel checkpoint to check the electronic health code, check the appointment voucher, and check the body temperature. All personnel entering the hospital are checked for body temperature, asking for names, contact information, returning home information, travel trajectory, etc., and earnestly The registration is done, and the returnees from other places are required to stay at home for 14 days, and the list will be given to the staff in the nearby village or community clinic for daily follow-up.

"The masses start scanning codes at the beginning of the line, operate their mobile phones while queuing in an orderly way, generate an electronic health code, and quickly pass the level after showing it at the checkpoint, and then prepare the appointment voucher for the next level while queuing up. The waiting time is fully utilized, and the customs clearance is also orderly." said Chen Shizhi, chairman of the labor union of Baisha Hospital.

In order to further strengthen the line of defense and make prevention and control more prepared, the working group has also formulated a series of emergency plans such as "Outpatient Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Process", "Patient Sudden Disease Emergency Treatment Plan", "Red Code or Fever Patient Treatment Process", etc. . If there is a red code or a patient whose body temperature exceeds the standard, the hospital will immediately start the "red code or fever patient treatment process" and transfer the patient to the security team at the red code treatment post, responsible for verifying the patient’s condition, and asking whether there are recent nucleic acid screening results and diagnosis Appointment voucher, after verification, the staff will register the patient's information and be escorted to the fever clinic or related outpatient clinics.

Preventing and controlling the epidemic situation of workers returning to their hometowns, weaving dense protective nets in Baisha Town, Huangshi City - DayDayNews

On duty

In order to improve the professional skills of medical staff in epidemic prevention and control, Baisha Town Health Center adopted the method of "go out, please come in" and invite city and county experts to conduct professional knowledge on epidemic prevention and control of medical staff Training. It is reported that the institute has successively held more than 10 training courses of various forms, held 3 emergency drills, and trained more than 100 personnel.

In order to promote the implementation of the normalized epidemic control system, Dong Meijun, President of Baisha Health Center, led a team to strengthen supervision and assessment, and from time to time the normal state of pre-examination and triage, fever clinic, outpatient department, emergency department, and inpatient department Supervise and inspect the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control system, and promote the intensification, refinement and implementation of various normalized epidemic prevention and control measures.

Preventing and controlling the epidemic situation of workers returning to their hometowns, weaving dense protective nets in Baisha Town, Huangshi City - DayDayNews

The health center organizes epidemic prevention and control training and learning

Dong Meijun said that the hospital will always tighten the string of normalization of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control, strictly weave a dense protective net, and guard the epidemic defense line. Don’t be paralyzed, slack, and don’t get lucky. In particular, we must establish ideological and work preparations for a protracted war, maintain a high degree of vigilance, ensure that there is nothing wrong, and provide a strong guarantee for the health of the rural people. (Reporter Hu Yi, Correspondent Wu Huazhen)


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