The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations

2021/01/2517:00:08 sports 1487

Good afternoon, Dong Niu is here to remind everyone to exercise again!

all say that exercise can make people look good. Why is after many people continue to run, they look older and their skin is always dry. feel. Especially in winter, this phenomenon is more obvious?

In fact, running can promote metabolism and accelerate skin repair. As many people find that running can cause skin deterioration, it may be because these links are ignored before and after running...

The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews

The choice of running time

In the cold winter, the cold wind is on your face. Try to choose the daytime for running. The best time is at 1 and 2 in the afternoon, which is the highest temperature of the day.

Try to avoid night running in winter. Because the temperature at night is relatively low, the body will cool down quickly after running, and it is more likely to get frostbite.

Apply face cream

You must apply face cream when running in winter. After all, even if you take precautions against the cold, it is impossible to wrap your face. There will always be exposed parts.

It is recommended to apply petroleum jelly on the face before each run. The oil in cream has the dual effects of moisturizing and heat preservation , which can effectively reduce the damage of cold wind to the face and prevent facial chapped.

The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews

choice of running road

Winter running, it is best to plan a downwind route, can not only protect the respiratory tract from cold wind, but also protect the face from being blown by the cold wind. If the conditions cannot avoid the windward section, it should be changed to run back and forth in a loop.Try to keep your face exposed to as little wind as possible.

Get rid of bad habits

When it is cold, many people will subconsciously warm their hands and cover their faces. This way, although it can temporarily warm up the skin and promote blood circulation, it has long been easy to strain the skin and the hands. There are also a lot of bacteria on the Internet, it is best to get rid of this habit.

Also, after sweats, it’s better to wipe it with a towel instead of paper towel , because paper towels are likely to contain fine dust and fluorescent agents. When the pores are expanded, use toilet paper to wipe the sweat. Clogs pores.

The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews

Remember to feed

Supplementing foods rich in calcium and iron can improve the body’s ability to keep out the cold and make running in winter more worry-free.

Calcium-containing foods mainly include milk, soy products, kelp, seaweed, shells, oysters, sardines, shrimps, etc.; iron-containing foods are mainly animal blood, egg yolks, pig liver, soybeans, sesame, black fungus and red dates Wait...

Wash your face as soon as possible after running

We all know that you will sweat a lot during running, and sweat contains salt, but you may not know that salt crystals will absorb water and cause the skin that is already dehydrated to run further. Dehydrated.

In the dry winter, you should wash your face with warm water as soon as possible after running to remove the salt crystals attached to the body surface, which can protect the skin, prevent the loss of water, and remove the waste after metabolism in time. Drinking plenty of water and hydrating in time will also help the skin to replenish moisture from the inside out.

The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews

Appropriate supplementary equipment

winter running,A hat is necessary. If your area is particularly cold, then other equipment should be considered based on the actual situation.

The most effective way to protect your face is a mask. It can cover most of the facial skin and can prevent the wind from blowing your face when running and prevent frostbite on your face. However, wearing a mask is not conducive to large-mouth ventilation and increases the resistance to breathing. The respiratory tract cannot be exposed to cold air, cannot be exercised, and the immunity cannot be effectively improved. Strong1strong depends on personal needs.

Finally, in addition to the face, hands, feet and auricles are the peripheral parts of the human blood circulation, and they are also the most common sites for frostbite. If you don’t pay attention to keeping warm and cold during exercise, sweaty hands and feet, tight footwear and long exercise time at low temperatures, etc., factors such as frostbite can occur. Strong1strong You must remember the following protective points:

1. Wash your face and hands with cold water to enhance cold resistance. Do not use soap with too much alkaline when washing hands and face, so as not to irritate the skin. After washing, you can wipe some oily skin care products such as moisturizers and creams to protect the lubrication of the skin.

2. When running outdoors for a long time, protect the parts that are easy to freeze, such as hands, feet, ears, etc. The footwear and socks should not be too tight, and you should wear large and comfortable shoes with strong sweating ability to avoid local pressure and keep dry . When footwear is wet, replace it in time. Wear earmuffs when you go out and keep your ears warm.

3. In case of freezing, use warm water instead of overheated water to soak, or dry hands and noodles, and use snow to rub hands and noodles gradually. It is not advisable to heat it immediately, use fire, hot water and other violent heat rewarming methods to prevent ulceration and sores.

4. When frostbite appears, if the epidermis is intact, you can rub frostbite ointment and warm the frostbite area several times a day. If the ulcer is damaged, apply erythromycin ointment externally and wrap it with sterile gauze. Keep warm to avoid re-frostbite.



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The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews

The longer you run, the older you look? Because you ignored these operations - DayDayNews


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