Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded.

2021/01/2516:36:04 sports 2048

Recently, the program "The Voice of God" has become popular again. This is a music program. Many people know what time the music program is popular. Either people sing well, comparable to the original singer, or a singer How miserable it is, right, netizens can just think about it. For example, the good Chinese voices before are still good Chinese songs. But this time I want to say that "The Voice of God" was fired because He Jietong won Ding Taisheng. In fact, most people like to watch this show, just want to see how Ding Taisheng is stunned. After all, for so many years, Ding Taisheng has "offended" a lot of people, such as scolding Sa Dingding, questioning Xiao Zhan, criticizing Zhao Liying, etc. Wait.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

In the latest issue, Ding Taisheng even admitted to planting. Let us take a look at what happened. In the new issue, He Jie and Su Xing's collaboration "The Sun" must have attracted the attention of many people. It has to be said that He Jie, who debuted from Super Girl, is also quite capable, and the high pitch is also easy to do. The awakening rap also adds a lot of highlights to this song, and everyone's comments think that this scene is a must.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

However, no matter how good the scene is, there are flaws. He Jie can be heard in several places where the pitch is not accurate enough. At this scene, Tao Zhe could only pick faults from not feeling the tacit understanding of the two people.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

The limitation of this song is that there is no way to form a male and female duet. This time I wake up, I simply did the "strongest support" and cooperated with He Jie to show his perfect singing voice.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

But where there is Ding Taisheng, "another voice is absolutely indispensable." Sure enough, Ding Taisheng started the "poisonous tongue" mode again. First of all, I directly pointed out He Jie’s scene, "It's a pity." Just after finishing these three words, He Jie asked directly, "It's a pity, how regretful?" It is estimated that Ding Taisheng did not expect He Jie to be so blunt, thinking for a while. After that, he began to explain to He Jie, "Regrets can be divided into two aspects. The first aspect is the flaws presented on the stage."

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

However, He Jie is not easy to bully, and he is straightforward, indicating that the greatest charm of live performance is Flaws, it is impossible to be as perfect as a CD.So I feel a bit too much about the word regret. He also bluntly asked Ding Taisheng to point out the "so-called regret".

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

At this moment, Ding Taisheng is a little panicked, but it is absolutely impossible to admit defeat. Becoming a celebrity, you have also been the most beautiful one, but your works are relatively too few." Later, Ding Taisheng also directly named He Jie because he was busy in love and having children.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

Hearing this, He Jie also began to turn on the anti-pattern. Said that I did what I thought I should have done at the right age and felt that there was no problem. I also hope to tell all girls that they must do the right things at the right age. If you do something wrong, you fall down, it’s okay. Continue to get up and walk forward.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

Ding Taisheng said that He Jie loves to give birth to a child, which directly hits He Jie’s pain points. This is the reason why He Jie rushes so. He Jie's private life is also a well-known thing. After experiencing a failed marriage with He Ziming, the two people broke up after the separation, but there is no accurate statement about the truth of the matter. But Ding Taisheng couldn't say He Jie, so he simply picked He Jie’s pain points to "change the topic". This behavior still makes people feel ashamed. As a professional music variety judge, the main responsibility is to comment on the performance of the song. That's it, why bother to expose the other party's unbearable past? This will inevitably make people dissatisfied.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

Seeing the scene where Ding Taisheng and He Jie are fighting each other, waking up is also helping round the field. I have to say that this scene is also full of gunpowder. During the interview, the guest on the side couldn't help but start adding oil and jealousy. He Jie bluntly said that He Jie was very good and was the first person to turn Ding Taisheng into the ditch. Therefore, the topic of He Jietong's win against Ding Taisheng is on the hot search.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

Ding Taisheng loves people. This is not surprising. This is also a highlight of his show, causing controversy and achieving a win-win situation. Many people were speechless by Ding Taisheng,But I didn't expect to lose to He Jie this time. Looking back at Ding Taisheng’s performance in these two episodes, it seems that he is fulfilling the "task" assigned to him by the program group, which is to irritate the singer and make the singer angry, so that the two people will fight each other, and will not give money unless they are hot searched. .

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

However, what is more interesting is that I searched Ding Taisheng's related information and found that Ding Taisheng didn't have many works, so he wrote three music works that can be named. However, he has always been active in the music circle, and he is known as a music critic and singer. This is a bit unconvincing. There is also the music critic Ding Taisheng who can be a variety show with just three songs, so the threshold for the current music critic mentors is too low.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

The works are so pitiful that they can still flourish in the music circle. This is indeed incredible. So why is he so "favored" in variety shows? This is about his "shameless" spirit. He is in the entertainment industry, especially when he is used to seeing variety shows for gimmicks. Ding Taisheng knows how to get attention and how to speak. , Curse and create topics. What is the gimmick in the entertainment industry, Ding Taisheng will create something, whoever is popular will scold whoever is popular, and whoever is hot will go for it. This is also a consistent way of thinking.

Music shows do not rely on music and rely on hype. He Jietong won Ding Taisheng and the audience applauded. - DayDayNews

Those who want to see Ding Taisheng are speechless, this is also the usual style of the program group, after all, Ding Taisheng is so "bad", everyone wants to see his "tragic end", as for him It doesn’t matter who is so speechless. What everyone wants to see is Ding Taisheng’s previous behavior, "Evil retribution", this time he was speechless, and the previous episode was Vava was so choked that he couldn't speak, it was all for "cooperating with the show". What's more, in the next episode, there will definitely be hot topics such as "Xie Xie Ding Tai Sheng". This time He Jietong won Ding Taisheng, and the audience applauded for a while.


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