Manchester United recovers, Suo Shuai finally becomes a big weapon! Liverpool fell, Klopp asked the heavens speechlessly!

2021/01/2516:16:03 sports 229

is just a narrow win. The lineup is neat and the bench depth and good thick thighs. The first goal was scored, the pass penetrated the waist and the diagonal pass went straight, the waist was soft, and the defender turned slowly because of poor prediction. The second goal was scored. The waist was robbed, if it weren't for Milner's kick, it would be hard to tell. Manchester United's overall hardness is not enough, not enough aggressiveness, not a foul but a determination to fight every ball. Shell is still outside the system, working hard, but always feels that he has not found his place. Henderson was shot through the crotch by rubbing his face, estimated that the psychological pressure should be quite large. In addition to the narrow victory, there are still many areas that need to be improved and strengthened. Slowly, the remaining fans must have patience. After all, after the turmoil and downturn of the past few years, the champion fans have almost been cleaned up, and the rest are true. Red Devils!

Manchester United recovers, Suo Shuai finally becomes a big weapon! Liverpool fell, Klopp asked the heavens speechlessly! - DayDayNews

In general, strong teams can’t have shortcomings on the field. Everyone knows where to play. William Serena is still too young and has a low ability value. Jones can play well. It is estimated that he can play in the future. Come out, the ability to combine the ball with the ball is quite good, and Firmino can't find anyone on the day. In the last few dozen minutes, Liverpool is a bit like Liverpool before. The pass control is good, the state has recovered, and the next game may be a big victory. . Manchester United has a good grasp of a few balls. As long as the defense can be defensive, there will be room for counterattack to run. Don't hurt Rashford, he is too important to Manchester United right now, but fortunately, the family is fairly solid and there are some high-value talents.

Manchester United recovers, Suo Shuai finally becomes a big weapon! Liverpool fell, Klopp asked the heavens speechlessly! - DayDayNews

From the last season's stubbornness to this season's dry sores, it is enough to illustrate the value of Van Dyke's first guard. Another point, do military fans think that Salah’s kick is really too poisonous? Any ball that enters the range will always choose to shoot, no matter how good the position of the teammate is. And why is Firmino getting more and more mediocre? There is no aura at all. The road ahead for Uncle Zha is rugged! The Red Army’s defense this season is likely to be empty-handed! Since Sir Alex Ferguson retired and watched the Red Devils come all the way, the Red Devils now finally make people feel happy and hope to get better and better! I haven't spoken, but I really feel sad to see such a Red Army. The whole team was injured, sluggish and sluggish. In the early stage, our army was able to cover up the problem with the ball despite the continuous injury. We can still be optimistic. But since the game against China and Jylland, problems have erupted. Now the staff has not added,Just listen to the wind, but the grass does not move. I love the Red Army and have always supported the team. I don't want the team to go down. Now I feel lost and fearful, and I am afraid that the Red Army will be degraded to darkness again, and finally rejuvenation is only a passing moment. But even if it fell to the darkness again and the light faded, I still support the Red Army!


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