Yao Ming CBA makes a major decision, the referee report returns and don't slap the face again! Du Feng and Yang Ming don't need to scold

2021/01/2515:56:03 sports 2547

On January 25th, Beijing time, there was a heavy new news in the CBA League today. It was also a brand new decision made by CBA officials and Yao Ming. The CBA referee's report finally returned after 5 months, which made many supporters. They are all looking forward to it, because everyone wants to see the criticized CBA referees who have been criticized since the new season, how many wrong decisions will be made at the critical moment of a game. If the referee has repeatedly changed the result of the game because of his own wrong decision, what kind of punishment will the CBA have?

Yao Ming CBA makes a major decision, the referee report returns and don't slap the face again! Du Feng and Yang Ming don't need to scold - DayDayNews

But the source of everything must begin, and there must be a referee report. The previous referee report disappeared bizarrely, but now after waiting for 5 months, the referee report finally returned. This time the referee report is very concerned about the previous match between Tong Xi and Jilin. Tong Xi finally narrowly defeated Jilin, and they won the game. It was the performance of the team leader and top-paid player Xirelijiang. Xirelijiang scored 10 three-pointers and scored 34 points. By the way, he also grabbed 4 rebounds and sent 13 assists. He rose to No. 5 in the historical three-pointer list. At the same time, Xirelijiang also tied the record for the number of three-pointers made by active local players in a single game, and became the only CBA in the 25-year history of the CBA to score more than 30 points in a single game. Players who made 10 three-pointers and sent at least 13 assists.

Despite this, they are still very difficult to win, especially considering that Jilin is a team that beat Guangdong, so the referee report at the last moment is very important, and the referee report clearly shows that Tong Xi’s fight against Jilin There were no wrong or missed judgments in the game. The three penalties in the last two minutes were all correct. The referee's report believed that the referee at the time should have made a correct and reasonable judgment, but this can't help but let people go back to the original referee's report and disappear. That game. The mysterious disappearance of the referee’s report began 5 months ago. It was when the CBA entered the semifinals last season. At that time, the most interesting set of matchups in the semi-finals was the grievances between Guangdong and Beijing. The Beijing-Guangdong matchup was definitely in the CBA. A very veteran and most interesting duel, Guangdong and Beijing have the deepest grievances.

Yao Ming CBA makes a major decision, the referee report returns and don't slap the face again! Du Feng and Yang Ming don't need to scold - DayDayNews

In the semifinals, the two sides played fiercely. In the first game, Beijing once led Guangdong by 19 points and encountered a crazy reversal of its opponents. Since then, the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards Guangdong.Although Beijing regained a victory in the second game under Jeremy Lin’s leadership and tied the game back 1:1, in the third game, the Guangdong team still eliminated Beijing with difficulty, but there was no referee report. . Because just after the 19-point reversal in the first game, the referee reported mysteriously missing. No one knew that in the process of Guangdong overturning Beijing and completing an incredible counterattack, the referee's final whistle appeared. How many mistakes.

Yao Ming CBA makes a major decision, the referee report returns and don't slap the face again! Du Feng and Yang Ming don't need to scold - DayDayNews

It’s just that the referee report disappeared after this Guangdong reversal, and then many media broke the news that this was because the CBA did not dare to issue a referee report anymore, because the referee’s penalty at the last moment was really Too many, and they are all biased towards one team, so the referee report disappeared, disappeared for 5 months, and only now come back. However, the previous Beijing-Guangdong war and this classic comeback left a permanent mystery. No one knows who the referees are biased on the spot, or whether there is any internal information behind this comeback. I hope that after the recovery this time, No matter it's the CBA or Yao Ming and the Basketball Association, don't do the same thing.

Yao Ming CBA makes a major decision, the referee report returns and don't slap the face again! Du Feng and Yang Ming don't need to scold - DayDayNews

Since the referee report is given, there should be one in every game, not to mention some focus matches. Due to some disputes and penalties, I dare not issue a referee report. If the referee report returns , A few months later, after a critical battle, it was cancelled again, that would really make CBA a complete joke. Since you want to use the referee report to prove the fairness of the referee and the fairness of the league, the referee report should be given out every game. After all, since the beginning of this season, the CBA referees have caused enough controversy. There have been many very outrageous mistakes, including forgetting to time the clock, etc. The referee has attracted many coaches, including Du Feng, Liu Weiwei, Yang Ming, etc., so it should be the CBA referee. Standardize and improve their business capabilities.


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