How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle

2020/12/1103:00:39 sports 484

Speaking of fitness male gods, many people think of their handsome figures, but what they are most concerned about is undoubtedly their broad pectoral muscles. The full pectoralis major muscles are very tempting to many people. Existence, and in the eyes of girls, it is a sign of a more sense of security. This is why many boys must practice chest for the first time. That is to say, they hope that they can develop stronger chest muscles so that others can see more achievements. sense.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

So how are the pectoral muscles of the boys who work out in China now? I also posted a pectoral exercise on the Internet before, and various fitness boys who often dive have also posted photos of their pectoral muscles. I have to say that this is the rise of China’s power and the performance of many people’s fitness achievements. It means too stressful, might as well get up and take a look.

1 Even if you wear a T-shirt, you still feel very tight on your chest. When you wear clothes, I feel that this kind of pectoral muscle seems to be enough, but I still hope that I can train a little stronger. After all, my pectoral muscles are too thin now.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

2 I heard that girls like the pectoral muscles, but I don’t know if you like the abdominal muscles and the male waist? Speaking of my personal pectoral muscles, they are actually quite good. You can see fullness by taking photos or videos, but as I said before, I prefer the mermaid line, which is a sign of male fitness perseverance.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

3 I often feel annoyed because my pectoral muscles are too big. Every pectoral muscle day is a day I love and hate. Now I even reach the third training every week. I don’t know if it’s too frequent, what do you think?

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

4 The chest muscles look good or not. In fact, it is largely determined by the outer and lower edges. The kind of bench press that only protrudes in the middle must be avoided as much as possible. Do more arm flexion and extension and wide push-ups is the key.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

5 I don’t know the level of my pectoral muscles. I don’t know if you like this selfie. Anyway, I personally feel that my girlfriend should like it very much.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

6 After fitness, I especially like to wear tight clothes. Not only does it appear that my pectoral muscles have become bigger, but also a sense of accomplishment. You can also feel the full strength of the pectoral muscles during training. It feels more obvious than when doing abdominal training.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

7 It is said that fitness boys like to take off their clothes and shirtless fitness, but the premise is that they must have square chest muscles. If the chest muscles are not strong enough, then it will be a little ridiculous.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

8 Put on the sports vest, I am the most beautiful boy in the gym. The sports vest not only shows perfect muscle contours, but also walks on the street casually, and the rate of turning back is also very high.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

9 Sometimes high body fat is actually a good thing. It can make the pectoral muscles look bigger and have a fuller girth. My body fat rate is 18% today. Abdominal muscles are not obvious, but better than chest muscles.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

10 I usually like to exercise my shoulders the most. I didn’t expect that my pectoral muscles have been so large. It seems that I need to strengthen my pectoral training in the future. If you have any good chest exercises, you are welcome to recommend it to me.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

11 The trouble of too big pectoral muscles, I wonder if you can feel it? Wearing a piece of clothing is like a tights, especially wearing a shirt may cause the buttons to burst at any time.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

read the above full of positive energy, the editor can not help but feel pressure, and the following editor also recommends a set of fitness chest exercises for everyone, so that you can develop more stylish and full chest muscles.

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

1 Bench press

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

2 Instrument clamp chest

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

3 Incline bench press

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

4 Parallel bar arm extension

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

5 Diamond push-up

How big can boys' chest muscles be? These photos tell you, 5 exercises to develop a large chest muscle - DayDayNews

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