This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said: "One of the misunderstandings people have about me is that they only t

2024/07/0306:00:32 sports 1085

The thing is probably like this. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast show of teammate Duncan Robinson , and then talked about his situation.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

Regarding the criticism from the outside world for not playing, Haslem said: "One of the misunderstandings people have about me is that they only think that I occupy a spot on the Heat roster, but they don't know that our team has the most players in the league. Undrafted . "

Speaking of this, Haslem said a little angrily: " There are some things here that you idiots can't understand. You only pay too much attention to my age and why I am still here. There is a reason why TMD is still here

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

Haslem is now 42 years old. He has been the oldest player in the league for many consecutive seasons. However, Haslem is indeed no longer able to play the ball. In the past six seasons, he only played a total of 59 regular season games, and his contributions on the field are almost indescribable:

——In the 16-17 season, he played 17 games, averaging 11.6 points and 2.0 rebounds per game.

——17 -In the 18-18 season, he played 14 games, averaging 17.8 points and 2.1 rebounds per game. - In the 18-19 season, he played in 10 games, averaging 12.5 points and 2.7 rebounds per game. - In the 19-20 season, he played in 4 games. , averaged This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said: .0 points and 4.0 rebounds per game

——In the 20-21 season, played 1 game, averaged This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said: .0 points and 1.0 rebounds per game——In the 21-22 season, played in 13 games, averaged This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said: .5 points and 1.9 per game. Rebounds

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

Among them, playoffs , Haslem has not played a minute in the past six years, The last time he appeared in the playoffs was in 2016, when Wade had not yet gone to Bulls . Bosh has not retired yet, Adebayor is still a high school student , and Haslem himself is still two months away from turning 36.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

So in terms of on-field contribution, Haslem is already on the verge of retirement, but there is a reason why the Heat have kept him .

On the one hand, Haslem is the guarantee of the Heat locker room and team atmosphere. He is tough and decisive externally, and he also dares to point out the mistakes of any player within the team - including Butler, if you still remember. Last season, Butler had an argument with head coach Spoelstra. At that time, Haslem stood up from the bench to defend Spoelstra and started to fight with Butler.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

If this situation were placed on other teams, most teams would choose to protect the face of the superstar, but not the Heat. Haslem is still active on the Heat's bench as the boss of the team's locker room - Any team Every team needs a player who dares to point out the faults of a superstar, and Haslem is this player for the Heat.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

On the other hand, as Haslem said, the Heat are a team with many undrafted players, and their undrafted players have a very high success rate, including Duncan Robinson, Vincent, Stru Thomas, Martin, and Ewart Severn were all undrafted, and Nunn, who is now in the Lakers, was also trained by the Heat.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

The success of these undrafted players is inseparable from their own efforts and the Heat's unique vision, but the role of Haslem cannot be ignored either - Haslem himself is an undrafted player and is the most successful in history. One of the undrafted players, No one knows better than him what undrafted players need to do to survive, and his own existence also inspires the Heat's undrafted players to make a name for themselves .

Duncan Robinson has previously talked about Haslem's role: " As an undrafted player, when he comes to this team and puts on a Heat jersey, all you need to see is Haslem. He likes to counterattack. , He likes players who prove themselves. "

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

And, most importantly, Haslem has long become a symbol of the Heat's team culture.

Spoelstra once described Haslem like this: "He himself is the incarnation of the Heat culture." This is true. The Heat culture emphasizes hard work, iron-bloodedness, and toughness. These are vividly reflected in Haslem. , at the age of 41 last season, his body fat rate still reached 6%, which is astonishing - Haslem is like this, what right do other players have to complain?

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

Riley also made no secret of his love for Haslem. After the Heat were eliminated from the Eastern Conference Finals last season, Riley said this about Haslem: " As long as he is willing, we want him to stay in the team. The longer the better, I hope he stays on the team, but we have not discussed this matter yet, I will negotiate, I love him to death "

The fact is that as early as the first day of the free market this year, there were reporters. There is such a news reported: The Heat attach great importance to Haslem's importance and role, and have sent a team of employees to persuade the latter to play for another year.

This is probably what happened. Recently, Heat veteran Haslem appeared on a podcast with teammate Duncan Robinson and then talked about his situation. Regarding the criticism that he did not play, Haslem said:

Half a month has passed and Haslem has not yet given a reply. If he can return next season, it will be his 20th year playing for the Heat - looking at NBA history, he can play for a team for 20 years. The only two players who have not changed teams in a year are Kobe and Nowitzki. html The 142-year-old Harbin team should fight for another year.

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