Data map: Rope skipping is a very cost-effective, whole-body fat-burning exercise. It is helpful to strengthen cardiopulmonary function, improve body coordination, and improve lower limb muscle strength. It is highly praised by many fitness bloggers and is also recommended by man

2024/07/0305:59:33 sports 1864
Data map: Rope skipping is a very cost-effective, whole-body fat-burning exercise. It is helpful to strengthen cardiopulmonary function, improve body coordination, and improve lower limb muscle strength. It is highly praised by many fitness bloggers and is also recommended by man - DayDayNews

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Rope skipping is a very cost-effective whole-body fat-burning exercise. It is helpful to strengthen cardiopulmonary function, improve body coordination, and improve lower limb muscle strength. It has been praised by many fitness bloggers and is also used by many people to lose weight. People's first choice. But recently, Ms. Wu, who is 160 centimeters tall and weighs 93 pounds, skipped 44,000 ropes a day because she wanted to lose weight, but she "jumped" torn menisci and ligaments. Until one day, she felt a lot of pain in her legs. After a medical examination, she found that her meniscus and ligaments were torn, and she had to undergo surgery. According to her account, it was only after this incident that she learned that skipping was very hard on her knees, and that her meniscus was congenitally deformed, which made her condition more serious.

In this regard, Gu Hong, an expert from the Jiangsu Institute of Physical Education, said in an interview that don’t throw the “pot” to skipping. Any excessive and unscientific fitness may cause physical damage.

Regarding Ms. Wu’s experience, Gu Hong believes that the culprit is not the rope skipping itself. Wrong movements, neglected warm-up and relaxation... these may cause injuries during rope skipping. The main reason for Ms. Wu's meniscus tear is probably excessive exercise. "People who have no foundation can jump 4,000 times a day. This is too much. After a month, it will inevitably cause sports strain."

Skipping rope Can fitness exercises that are originally simple and convenient still be chosen with confidence? "Of course! But people with poor lumbar spine, knee injuries, overweight, coronary heart disease, cardiac insufficiency, high blood pressure, etc. are not suitable for high-intensity rope skipping training." Qi Yuliang, head of the Rehabilitation Treatment Center of Nanjing Zijin Hospital, reminded that for rope skipping, you should choose a suitable venue and comfortable sports shoes, and the number of skipping ropes should also be gradual. "For example, if you ration 500 ropes a day, you can jump in 10 times. For ordinary people, "It is not recommended to jump more than 100 times at one time." Qi Yuliang said that rope skipping is a good aerobic training method. If there are no related underlying diseases, the exercise itself will not cause much damage to the meniscus and ligaments.

"We can do some warm-up exercises before jumping rope, which can reduce the risk of sports injuries." Qi Yuliang said that it is not advisable to blindly follow the trend of training. You should pay attention to whether there is pain in the body and exercise with a clear understanding of your own physical condition.

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