James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as "Zhan Paopao" and "Zhan Holding Legs", a new meme was discovered, as s

2024/06/3012:53:32 sports 1749

James relies on God to provide food, and only eats the dividends brought by physical talent!

Is this really the case?

I have been bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as "Zhan Paopao" and "Zhan Holding Legs", a new meme was discovered, as shown above. There are many people at the bottom of the article who agree that James's success is only because of his outstanding physical talent, nothing more and nothing else.

In this article, we will have a fair and rational chat from an objective perspective.

James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as

Let’s think about a few questions.

Question 1: How is James’ body?

This is nonsense, of course it is!

Some media previously made a metaphor, "Suppose aliens attack, we need to choose the person with the best physical fitness among the people on earth to fight the aliens. The best candidate is James!"

Although the propaganda smell is strong , but it is enough to show the domineering strength of James' physical fitness!

Question 2: Is James’ excellent physical fitness innate?

Height, wingspan, weight, speed, jumping, explosive power, flexibility, basketball intelligence and other physical qualities you can imagine a basketball player needs, James has them all in one!

Is his physical fitness innate?

is of course born!

His height, wingspan, and explosive power are not innate, are they acquired?

He is blessed by God. However, it is not just natural.

James' self-discipline and strict and hard training are the fundamental reasons why he can maintain his condition for ten years.

In terms of physical talent, there are many in NBA over the years. Not to mention, Tracy McGrady , Howard , Westbrook , Rose , Morant , Edwards , which physical quality is not the best among the best? But among them, who has reached or could reach the height of James?

It would not be objective to simply attribute James' outstanding physical talent to talent.

James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as

Question 3: What percentage of James’s success is due to his physical advantage?

The body is the capital of revolution. This is especially true for athletes. If you don’t have good physical fitness, do you want to stand out in a dark and tough environment where strong people are like a forest? Dream on!

Physical advantage is the prerequisite and key to James' success.

When we see James' physical advantages, we also need to see other shining points:

(1) High emotional intelligence

James has his own way of dealing with his teammates, the coaching staff, and the media. As a public figure, he knows what to say on what occasion, thinks carefully before speaking, and fully considers the feelings of others.

This also played a very good role in promoting his business empire.

's high emotional intelligence has allowed him to achieve great success both on and off the court.

(2) Excellent self-discipline

In terms of diet, there is a dedicated nutritionist to cook for him. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all based on vegetable salad , bread and chicken breast. Pork has not been touched for more than ten years! The main reason for eating chicken breast is to maintain muscle strength. In terms of

training, James has two dedicated trainers. No matter where he goes, there will be at least one accompanying him. Whether it's a game day or a rest day, the trainer will develop a reasonable training plan for James to keep him in shape. Even in the offseason, we practice five times a week, rain or shine.

spends as much as 1.5 million US dollars a year on body care. is really a high investment and high return.

(3) Choose

As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost, and James chose a lot of trees. This makes the teammates around him always more powerful and provides guarantee for him to compete for the highest honor.

Just imagine, without the emergence of the Warriors, how many championships would James have won? 6? 8?

(Of course, we do not encourage grouping in competitive sports)


James can succeed, and physical talent accounts for at most 60%.

James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as

In fact, when it comes to this, some people may still sneer at James's physical style of play.

This is understandable. When big bug Rodman was asked in an interview whether James had surpassed his former teammate Jordan and became the historical GOAT, Rodman said, "James will only rely on his body, and his breakthrough will only be achieved by his body." It will be a straight line! "

Yes, this is a fact, and this is what his talent brings to him. But is James the only one who relies on talent to play?

People often say that in the library has created miracles. With a small body of an ordinary person, he has achieved a historical level of dominance.

So, what does the success of library rely on?

is a shot! In other words, it is an unparalleled feel!

"Curry's shooting touch is a gift from God." Paul commented enviously on Curry in an interview.

Curry's shooting talent is due to his father, his younger brother Seth Curry , and the same is true. This is innate, this is talent!

Of course, this also requires hard training day after day, year after year, to maintain and improve.

Another example is Kobe , who has a standard figure for the shooting guard position, excellent running and jumping ability and explosive power, and also has high talent.

Another example is Durant , who has an inside height of 2.11 and an ultimate wingspan of 2.28, as well as excellent coordination and mobility. Isn't this also synonymous with talent?

Another example is O'Neal, who has the size and strength of a giant. Isn't this a complete talent?

James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as

Let us imagine:

If Curry does not have shooting talent,

If Kobe does not have high-quality physical conditions,

If KD does not have differentiated physical talents,

If O'Neal does not have the size and strength of a Big Mac,

What will happen to their careers? ?

Height and wingspan are talents, explosive power is talents, and shooting touch is also talents.

In the final analysis, they both have high talents like James, but the types of talents are different. Talents such as explosive power and speed are more intuitive and obvious.

It would be a bit one-sided to simply attribute James' success to physical talent and simply regard James as a black and tough man.

James depends on God for food and will only take advantage of the dividends brought by his physical talent! Really? I was bored recently and read a few articles about James. In addition to common memes such as

I am Huan Xiaochen, thank you for reading

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