The CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League a

2024/06/3009:09:33 sports 1912

CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League abroad. Veterans Han Dejun, Li Xiaoxu and others are recuperating at home; so Yang Ming is guiding and leading A team composed mainly of young players went to the scene. The theme of this summer league was to train young players.

The CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League a - DayDayNews

Liao Basketball played against Qingdao in the first game. Although the team did not have a few main players, it also had a lineup of main rotation players such as Wu Changze , Zhou Juncheng , Cong Mingchen and Yan Shouqi ; on the other hand, the opponent Qingdao, in addition to Shao Yinglun , Zhang Zuming and others, and most of the others are also young players. As a result, the opponent was beaten 31-14 in the first quarter, fell behind by 23 points in the first half, and went directly into garbage time. In the end, it lost to Qingdao 56-88, losing by 32 points!

The four top players of the Liao Basketball Team made 32 shots 6

The performance of the young players of the Liao Basketball Team in this game was hard to describe. I don’t know what the results of more than a month of training were. The four players who have been promoted to the first team only made 6 of 32 shots. The efficiency is extremely low, including:

  • Cong Mingchen made 2 of 10 shots, including 1 of 5 three-point shots and scored 8 points and 4 rebounds. The whole game was frequently hit ; as Zhang Zhenlin's substitute player, his performance last season was good, and the result was His performance in the Xia League was a mess. It seems that only Yu Zechen can inspire him to play better.

The CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League a - DayDayNews

  • Wu Changze made 2 of 6 shots and scored 7 points and 3 rebounds. As an insider, was bullied at will by his opponent, 17-year-old Yang Hansen. He couldn't score in the paint and couldn't defend against . Is this what a member of the second team of the national team should do? performance? Maybe all the energy is spent on falling in love!
  • Zhou Juncheng made 1 of 10 shots and scored 2 points and 6 rebounds. He was interfered with inside by his opponents and kept getting hot pot. He did not have the same desperate energy as in the regular season last season.
  • Ma Zhuanghtml scored 3 points and 1 rebound on 1 of 26 shots. There are no highlights to speak of, so I won’t say more.

Among the young players in the Liao basketball team, Sun Wei performed well, Yan Shouqi can also be regarded as the team's big brother, and the others performed averagely. At present, the youth training of the Liao Basketball Team is somewhat out of schedule, and young players are somewhat inactive.

The CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League a - DayDayNews

Yang Ming bit his finger on the sidelines and felt so happy

As the head coach, Yang Ming was in a passionate state at the beginning. In the first half, when he saw the players on the sidelines unable to play tactics, he kept roaring and giving crazy orders; saw in the second half These young people gave up immediately after playing a mess, and started biting their fingers on the sidelines, with expressions of helplessness that made people laugh. After all, when you see service errors, passes to referees, and missed baskets, the scene is really unbearable.

The CBA Summer League officially started in Qingdao on July 15. A total of 8 teams gathered in Qingdao to compete. On the Liao Basketball side, the three top players are currently competing in the Asian Cup in Jakarta. Striker Zhang Zhenlin is competing in the NBA Summer League a - DayDayNews

Indeed, the performance of these young people in the Liao Basketball Team is simply ridiculous, which is completely different from the young people in the Qingdao Men's Basketball Team. Is going to rely on Zhao Jiwei, Zhang Zhenlin, Fu Hao to lead this team in the future after the decline of Dahan and Guo Ailun ? If these young people are still at this level, then there is a high probability that they will not be able to lead them. How to improve the youth training system of Liao Basketball Team is a question worth thinking about.

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