After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that "fishing depends on the weather", so what weather should

2024/06/2315:48:32 sports 1272

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse.

all say that "fishing depends on the weather", so what kind of weather should you choose to go fishing in summer? It is difficult not to protect yourself by identifying these four types of weather. I hope it can help you when fishing.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

The first type of weather - windy days

Windy days are more common weather in summer. The appearance of windy days indicates a drop in temperature, which is very suitable for fishing. However, you should also pay more attention when fishing in windy weather. detail.

First of all, the fishing position should be in the downdraft. There is a lot of food in the downdraft. The wind will blow the food to the downdraft. Many fish will feed here, which is very suitable for fishing and the difficulty of fishing will be reduced.

Secondly, wind will drive the flow of the middle and upper water layers, increasing the amount of oxygen in the water. When fishing, fish should be shallow and pay attention to the impact of wind on the float. It is best to use the lead running method for fishing.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

Finally, when fishing on windy days, you should also pay attention to the wind direction and wind force. The wind directions suitable for fishing are northerly, northwesterly, southeasterly, etc. If there is a southwesterly wind, do not go fishing. Generally, you will not be able to catch fish in this wind direction.

The second type of weather - rainy days

Rainy days are also very suitable for fishing. After traveling in this weather, the temperature will drop, the weather will become cooler, the fish will be more active, and the fish mouth will be better.

When fishing, you need to fish in shallow water. Since it is a light rainy day, the rain will only change the dissolved oxygen content in the middle and upper water layers. Many fish will feed and live in the submerged layer. Generally, you can get good results by fishing in shallow water.

On light rainy days, you can also fish for grass appropriately. You must know that summer is not suitable for fishing for grass. First, because the aquatic plants belong to shallow water areas and are greatly affected by temperature. Second, the aquatic plants are lush, the ventilation regulator is not good, and it is relatively hot.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

The third kind of weather - after heavy rain

For summer fishing, you can choose after heavy rain. If it rains heavily or thunderstorms, do not go out for fishing. These two kinds of weather have great safety risks. Heavy rain will also affect the line of sight and make it difficult to observe. Float.

In addition, thunder and noisy rain will also make big fish more vigilant and swim deeper, making fishing more difficult. Therefore, do not fish during thunderstorms or heavy rain.

After heavy rain, many aquatic plants or crops will be submerged, and many big fish will feed in these areas, which is very suitable for fishing. After heavy rain, the river water will be turbid, and the vigilance of fish will also decrease.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

The fourth kind of weather - sunny to cloudy weather

After entering summer, it is not easy to fish on sunny days, but it is not impossible to fish. However, fishing on sunny days has limitations, and the suitable time periods for fishing are relatively fixed, such as morning, evening and night.

During these three time periods, the temperature is relatively low, and fish will swim to shallow water to look for food. This is because there is more food in shallow water, especially at night. If you want to catch big fish, you must fish in nearshore areas and shallow water. Hook everywhere.

When the weather changes from sunny to cloudy, the weather will become cooler and the fish will have an appetite. When fishing, the rate of catching fish will also be greatly improved, and the fish catch will naturally be guaranteed.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

When fishing in summer, in addition to paying attention to the influence of the weather, you must also choose the right bait

After entering the summer, you need to put more effort into the selection of bait. If the bait is selected incorrectly, not only will small fish appear in their nests, but it will also affect Big fish take the bait, and in summer, it is best to choose plain bait as bait.

Commonly used vegetarian baits in summer include wine, rice, bran, bean cakes, etc. When opening the bait, you can also add a few drops of the bait. The bait produced in this way has a strong attraction to fish, and the fish will naturally be caught. good.

You should know that the heart-dropper contains LODC, which can attract fish to feed, improve the fish mouth, and also increase the time fish stay. As we all know, the longer the fish stay, the easier it is to fish.

After entering summer, the weather is unpredictable, and violent storms and scorching sun are more common. This kind of weather will seriously affect the fish condition and make the fishing experience worse. It is said that

Not only that, you can also add traps to the bait, which will not only reduce the time to make a nest, but also allow big fish in nearby waters to gather quickly, ensuring the fish catch rate and fish catch.

is written at the end: Weather and temperature will affect fishing. When summer comes, you must choose suitable weather for fishing. If you choose the wrong weather, you will easily end up empty-handed.

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